Words of Prey
Words of Prey is an original podcast from Pipeline Artists. Host Chantelle Aimée Osman (editor of Agora Books, writer of random things, former Hollywood Person) sits down to talk business, writing, life and all of the things in between with a variety of guests with a variety of backgrounds. So, dear listener, grab an adult beverage, sit back, and learn from our mistakes.
Words of Prey
Rob Hart
Chantelle Aimée Osman
I talk with Rob Hart, author of THE WAREHOUSE (which has sold in more than 20 languages and been optioned for film by Ron Howard), the Ash McKenna crime series, the forthcoming THE PARADOX HOTEL (which you should pre-order) and, oh yeah, maybe a Star Wars thing or two—about how the definition of success is a moving target, finding the right agent, and bunch of other stuff.
Find him at robwhart.com and on Twitter @robwhart
Find me at chantelleaimee.com and on Twitter @SuspenseSiren
Follow the podcast @PreyWords on Twitter and wordsofpreypodcast.com
Check out the Pipeline Artists network @PipelineArtists and pipelineartists.com
Theme music is "Lost in the Cinema" by Dan-O