Work in Progress with Christopher Wong Michaelson

What is the purpose of work? A discussion with Hubert Joly, former Best Buy CEO & author of The Heart of Business

Work in Progress with Christopher Michaelson Season 1 Episode 9

Work in Progress with Christopher Michaelson, discusses every working person’s work in progress, namely, our quest to be fully human in a working world that all too often makes us feel like machines, in which we often don’t even have time to think, and that, in the words of Studs Terkel, too often feels like “a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

Our ninth podcast episode airs with host Michaelson discussing the meaning and purpose of work with Hubert Joly, who not only has written a book that he published in 2021 called The Heart of Business, but who has also had to practice what he preaches in an executive career that culminated in being the CEO of consumer electronics retailer Best Buy from 2012 through 2019. Joly’s work at Best Buy and elsewhere earned him numerous "best CEO" accolades and put the company at the top of Barron’s "most sustainable companies" list. 

With special thanks for the support of the Melrose & The Toro Company Center for Principled Leadership at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business.