Project Chaney

Precious Illusions with Caleb from The Primal Beast

Chaney in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 11

On this episode of Project Chaney, I am powerful enough to conjure, Practitioner of Energy, your friendly neighborhood magician and my guru of intention, Caleb Spears, into chat.

We talk about ritual and practical magics throughout history. Talk about the power of a symbol, and I find out, if all symbols are someone's sigils. Caleb teaches me about servators' and sex magic, and, if there is any power in abstaining from "getting off."

Have you always thought there was more to Hogwarts and Hocus Pocus, then meets the eye? Do you have a symbols that you trace everywhere, without even knowing what it means? Are your 3D goggles on their last legs, and you are looking for a new kind of vibe? Or, are you magical AF, and just waiting to meet more dragon riders?

For all things Caleb Spears, got to or follow him @old_blue_crow on Instagram.