Project Chaney

4 Score and 7 Years Ago with MyMaria777

August 26, 2021 Chaney in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 21

What do you get when you add 7 + 7 + 7? Episode 21, of course.

On this episode of Project Chaney, I sit down with everyone's favorite not-so-anonymous attorney and friend, MyMaria777. We discuss everything from her obsession with the number 47 to the psyop of modern religion. We go into dating red flags and maybe a few green ones. Is it harder to interview your friend? I guess we are about to find out.

Ever wanted to sit in on a phone call between two scorpions? Ever wonder how lesbians have sex, or what kind of porn they watch? Is penis size really that important? Do you judge someone on the taste of their music? Is mating in the matrix even possible? Would you be with someone with a different view of science then you? Are we addicted to breaking our own hearts?

For ALL things MyMaria777 go to
Follow her @mymaria777 on instagram. Or, follow her backup @theoracle333
Twitter @mymaria777
Telegram Channel: search MyMaria777

Also find Mating in The Matrix at or follow them on Instagram @matinginthematrix