Project Chaney

History Repeats Itself with Gordo from Those Conspiracy Guys

September 02, 2021 Chaney in Wonderland Season 1 Episode 22

On this episode of Project Chaney, I sit down with my first microphoning friend. If you guys don't know who Gordon Rochford is and you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist, you need to listen to Those Conspiracy Guys (TCG).

We discuss everything from how long we have been screaming about the New World Order, to the compelling true crimes that go under the radar. Chat a little about vaccines throughout history and maybe the history of the companies that we continue to trust. Once I get through my gushing, I just let Gordo go. I think you are going to like it.

Are you in desperate need of a little more history with your conspiracy? Do the names and dates matter? Do you want to laugh while talking about FEMA Camps and interdimensional space demons? Well, maybe this is the episode for you.

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