AFSPA Talks Long Term Care

AFSPA Season 3 Episode 7

In this episode of AFSPA Talks, COO Kyle Longton brings us through a discussion on Long Term Care for Long Term Care Awareness Month. For this episode, Kyle is joined by Linda Tsironis Caruthers, founder and CEO of Long-Term Care Consultants. 

Linda Tsironis Caruthers, CSA, LTCP is the founder and CEO of Long-Term Care Consultants, Inc., a dedicated long-term care insurance agency providing long-term care planning and caregiver support resources to individuals and employer groups. She has specialized in long-term care insurance since 2000 and earned the Long-Term Care Professional (LTCP) designation from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) in 2005 and the Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) designation from the Society of Certified Senior Advisors in 2006.