Bare Knuckle Recovery
Bare Knuckle Recovery
Get Schooled with Anthony Ponds: From Facing Life in Prison at Age 19 to Inspiring Kids at School
Anthony Ponds faced capital murder charges at age 19.
Today, he is a featured speaker for Remedy Live's 'Get Schooled Tour' and board member at Inspiration Ministry.
So how did he get to where he was at age 19? And then how did he get to where he is now, speaking inspiration and knowledge into the kids within our community?
Hear Anthony's incredible powerful story, hosted by Tommy Streeter and Nate Moellering of Bare Knuckle Recovery, and joined by recurring guest host, Bob Springer.
(You can also find the video version of this episode, and all previous episodes, by searching for Bare Knuckle Recovery on YouTube.)
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