Adverse Reactions
An interview podcast bringing you the people and stories behind the science of how biological, physical, and chemical agents may cause adverse reactions to public, animal, and environmental health. This podcast is presented by the Society of Toxicology (SOT) and hosted by SOT members Anne Chappelle and David Faulkner.
About Anne
After graduating from the University of Delaware with a BS in biology in 1991, Anne Chappelle accidentally found her calling when she worked a gap year in an industrial toxicology laboratory. As it turned out, toxicology was the perfect marriage of protecting both human health and the environment. She then went on to receive her PhD in pharmacology and toxicology from the (now) University of the Sciences in Philadelphia in 1997, focusing on upper respiratory tract toxicity.
For the last 20+ years, as a toxicologist and risk assessment expert for the chemical industry, Anne has been thrilled to not work in a laboratory anymore. Along the way, she has added a few more titles: spouse; DABT; Principal of Chappelle Toxicology Consulting, LLC; occasional blogger at My Toxic Life; and most life changing (and expensive): Mom. She is thrilled to be partnered with David to add podcast co-host to the list because it gives her the opportunity to “channel my inner Terry Gross.”
About David
David Faulkner’s interest in science started at age five with a few Bill Nye the Science Guy VHS tapes and hasn’t diminished since. A lifelong artist and science fan, David has worked in nearly every mass communication medium to share his love of science with the world. Now, as an early career toxicologist, David is living out his dream of co-hosting a science podcast! With a budget! And a producer! And super cool guests! And an awesome co-host! David thinks Bill would be proud.
David attended the University of Michigan, where he completed a BS in microbiology, a BA in English language (emphasis in creative writing), and an MPH in environmental health sciences, and the University of California Berkeley, where he completed a PhD in molecular toxicology under the supervision of Dr. Chris Vulpe. He has held postdoctoral appointments at the Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and just started a new position as a toxicological risk assessor. He also is a full-time parent to two adorable purple velvet plants: Planthony Bourdain and Marie Planthoinette.
The viewpoints and information presented in Adverse Reactions represent those of the participating individuals. Although the Society of Toxicology holds the copyright to the production, it does not vet or review the information presented nor does presenting and distributing the Adverse Reactions podcast represent any proposal or endorsement of any position by the Society.
Adverse Reactions
Pipping the Scales with Zebrafish
Fish on treadmills? Lisa Truong, PhD, MBA, Oregon State University, discusses the unique ways that they test exposure effects using zebrafish. Co-hosts Anne Chappelle, PhD, and David Faulkner, PhD, also ask her about the benefits of having an MBA as a scientist.
About the Guest
The overall goal of Lisa Truong's research program is to utilize the zebrafish model to help build computational predictive toxicity models. Secondarily, she aims to move the field to be less reliant on animal testing and to conduct toxicity-testing based on toxicity pathways.
Dr. Truong has a Bachelor’s degree in pre-pharmacy with a minor in chemistry, which provided the foundation to evaluate a structurally diverse class of fluorinated compounds during her Master's studies. Her PhD thesis was focused on developing rapid in vivo assays to investigate structure response relationships using larval and adult zebrafish. Using the methods that Dr. Truong developed, the zebrafish developmental toxicity screen is now fully automated at the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory (SARL).
During Dr. Truong's postdoctoral training at the US Environmental Protection Agency, she developed systemic toxicity models while working within the then-National Center for Computational Toxicology and L’Oreal. She built numerous models using the high-throughput data generated from over 800 assays and became adept at programming in R and in advanced statistics.
More recently, since her recruitment as the Deputy Director of the SARL, Dr. Truong has begun to build robust statistical methods to integrate multi-dimensional phenotypic and expression zebrafish data and has helped to streamline data collection which has further increased the throughput which is critical for this proposal.
In summary, for nearly a decade, Dr. Truong has developed advanced zebrafish as a premier model for environmental health sciences research. The research is now at a point to begin mining the data to develop models to prioritize and predict toxicity of chemicals/nanoparticles/mixtures that have insufficient hazard information.
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[00:00:00] “Decompose” Theme Music
[00:00:05] Anne Chappelle: We’ve been doing Adverse Reactions, and this is what our
[00:00:08] David Faulkner: Fourth
[00:00:09] Anne Chappelle: Fourth
[00:00:09] David Faulkner: Season
[00:00:10] Anne Chappelle: Season
[00:00:11] David Faulkner: Amazing.
[00:00:11] Anne Chappelle: So, David, do we have a theme?
[00:00:13] David Faulkner: Everything is so much more complicated and interesting and more interconnected than we ever think it’s going to be.
[00:00:22] Anne Chappelle: We’ve really kind of strayed from traditional toxicology in this season.
[00:00:28] David Faulkner: It’s true. We have been expanding the reach of what most people think of as toxicology because one of the things I love about this discipline is that it is a necessarily applied science and that means it touches basically everything—all the other sciences.
[00:00:44] Anne Chappelle: Have a listen.
[00:00:45] “Decompose” Theme Music
[00:00:45] David Faulkner: Next on Adverse Reactions, “Pipping the Scales With Zebrafish.”
[00:00:56] Lisa Truong: We wanted to look at benzoylpyrene, which is a PAH and has been classified as carcinogen, and we wanted to see what the toxicity of it in zebrafish. So, we did an exposure. We got the dose-response curve. We found a NOAEL. We found that they had caused swimming behavior changes at five days, so then, we’re like, “Okay, what if we raise those same fish up into adults? Will there be anything that’s physiologically wrong, or is there anything that’s behaviorally wrong?” So, we looked at their BMI when we got to adults, and they were a little bit on the high end. So, zebrafish, we can actually do fitness tests, too.
[00:01:28] “Decompose” Theme Music
[00:01:33] David Faulkner: We’re here today with Lisa Truong, PhD, MBA, SOT Full member. She is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University and Deputy Director of the Sinhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory. Thank you so much for being on the show with us today.
[00:01:46] Anne Chappelle: Yes, welcome.
[00:01:47] Lisa Truong: Thank you for having me today.
[00:01:48] Anne Chappelle: Now, you have letters behind your name that we don’t often see: MBA.
[00:01:53] Lisa Truong: Yes, I got that a little bit over two years ago.
[00:01:56] Anne Chappelle: Why?
[00:01:56] Lisa Truong: I decided to go a different route than most individuals. I graduated with my PhD and went into the computational world in the regulatory environment of the US EPA and decided that I didn’t want to be that far removed from the data and decided I wanted to go back. However, I didn’t want to have all the stresses and pressure of having a large lab and decided that, “Okay, I want to run a large lab.” And so, I work with Dr. Robyn Tanguay here at Oregon State, and she’s very successful and a pioneer in the zebrafish world. And so together, we run a large facility. And so, I learned early on that I’m more equipped for leadership experience, and every time you go into academia, you’re expected to run a lab and have no training. You’re running a small business, but you have no training at all. So, I decided to go back and get that training to run the small ship, which is about 40 people here.
[00:02:47] Anne Chappelle: That is smart. That is super smart because if you’re going to take the classes anyway to learn how do your job, you might as well get the credential with it. And that’s not just something that you learn in graduate school.
[00:03:01] Lisa Truong: No, it’s not a skill that we’re taught. It’s not a skill that we’re expected to understand, and we just pick up somewhere because from role modeling ’cause, well, no one’s trained for it.
[00:03:10] David Faulkner: It’s an interesting example of the further you go in academia, the less each phase prepares you for the next thing you will do. Like you say, these are small businesses (running a lab), and even an academic lab is a small business, but there’s a disinclination. People who are in the sciences, generally speaking, from my experience are not as interested in all of the nuts and bolts and money side of things because they’re like, “Oh, I just want to do the science. I don’t want to have to worry about budgets, and all of these other things.” But then, all of those things are really important.
[00:03:41] Lisa Truong: The reality hits, right? When you get in and you realize, “I need to budget. I need to understand the operations of everything.” I found that having project management classes just wasn’t enough. That’s when I was like, “Okay, I need to think bigger” and got my MBA recently.
[00:03:55] Anne Chappelle: Well, let me take a step back for just a second. So, you meet my mom at a party,
[00:04:01] David Faulkner: lovely woman Anne’s mom,
[00:04:03] Anne Chappelle: Yes, yes. So, what do you tell my mom about what you do?
[00:04:07] Lisa Truong: What I normally describe to people is that I look at how chemicals interact with the environment or human health, and I use a model which everyone doesn’t know much about. It’s about a fish about two inches wide that surprisingly shares a lot of similarities to humans.
And the first reaction everyone always has is, “It’s a fish. I don’t swim like that, or I don’t breathe underwater. And we don’t have gills.” And I always explain that zebrafish and humans have about, all the same major organ systems, like the brain, the pancreas, the liver. And even though we don’t have gills, we have a lot of the genes that developed into the gill.
And for us, our ears—fish don’t have ears—but they have otic vessel, which is similar to our ears. And all those genes are conserved between fish and humans. And what we do is we take advantage of that in this fish model because a single female can produce 200 eggs, and those eggs develop from a single cell to a larval fish that’s swimming around in five days.
[00:05:00] David Faulkner: So, that’s really cool that you can basically just see the development under a microscope. For the endpoints, you’re looking at a lot of, the things that you’re looking at is how chemicals affect the developing embryos, right? You’re growing these eggs in water outside of a body. We grow inside of other humans. Does it matter that there’s that difference in the way that the embryos develop?
[00:05:21] Lisa Truong: So, there is different ways of exposure. What we do is, the fish eggs have a shell. It’s like an eggshell, but it’s a little bit more palatable. And there’s called chorion, and we remove that. So, we try to encourage as much interaction with the chemical as possible.
And honestly, development is the most sensitive life stage. So, we basically say, “You’re swimming in this without the chorions, and you’re swimming in this for the next five days during development when you’re going through every single signaling pathway possible. And we challenge you to come back out physically, morphologically normal.” Or see if there’s any neural toxicity or behavior with it. And do they swim differently? Do they respond to sounds differently? And are there long-lasting effects? If you take them out of that chemical, you raise them in clean water, will there be long-lasting effects that impact their social, their cognitive ability, learning, and memory? And so, there’s all these different ways to look at their impact during development.
[00:06:12] David Faulkner: You mentioned a lot of different tests that you can do for neurological development, and I’m really curious, what do those look like for fish? How do you do a neurology test on a fish?
[00:06:22] Lisa Truong: There’s lots of different ways. What we do at the beginning, we wanted to see if there’s any neurobehavioral differences first, ’cause we don’t know it is behavioral. So, for example, we do a test where we turn the lights on and off for fish at that life stage. When the lights are on, they freeze because their natural behavior is they think predators might eat them. So, they’re gonna tense up and just stay there. In the dark, they swim around looking, foraging, and kind of doing their own thing.
So, we can test if the chemical exposure during development if it caused them to not swim as much in the dark, or they swim too much in the light that they don’t have this fear response or preservation. And that’s just a behavioral change. We don’t know if it’s neural behavior until we check if their muscles are impacted. Like, they’re swimming too much. Is it because their muscle’s receptors have been impacted, or is it that their eyes aren’t functioning: They don’t see the light. They just think it’s the dark all the time, or they just think it’s light all the time. That’s why they’re not swimming.
Once we can eliminate those two physiological factors, then, we can say, “Okay, it happens in the nervous system.” Something happens during that point, and we can pinpoint by something we do, which is adjusting the time of exposure that they’re in the chemical—expose them only after the nervous system is developed or only during the period of time when the genes of the nervous system are present.
[00:07:32] Anne Chappelle: In my line of work, we’ll have to do a zebrafish assay or a fish tox assay, this, that, and the other. So, how do you focus it down into a research question or a path?
[00:07:44] Lisa Truong: We do a lot of different things. I did my PhD developing the high-throughput screening platform, developing the assay and automation to deliver these embryos into 96 well plates and adding the chemicals and doing this just a very general assessment. But the reason was to help prioritize chemicals. With all the chemicals out there without safety information, we wanted to help prioritize, especially since their focus that they had was only on trying to do in vitro assays in the high throughput. It was lacking the behavioral component because it’s a dish of cells.
It’s only one type of cells. There’s no interaction. The original focus was to do it for every single chemical and get all of this comprehensive data on every chemical to make a decision of which bins to go into. So, there was one assay we started with, which was one behavioral test, and that was the one where I still explain the way you turn the lights on and off on them.
That became the trigger to say, “Okay, if there’s nothing going on or there is something going on to get into different categories.” Then, we started going in and looking at certain classes. We did flame retardants. We did PFASs. At Oregon State, we have a Superfund Research Center, and we work on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and so we’ve tested the largest library of those, too. So, we are focused on classes. And we’ve done endocrine disruptions, too, where we find the ones that are causing effects during development. And then, we’d go down to NOAEL and see if there’s any long-lasting effects and behavior. And so, we kind of have a tiered approach
[00:09:04] David Faulkner: It’s amazing that you can do all this really fast because you mentioned five days, right? development time? That’s extraordinary. And maybe this is a silly question, but why zebrafish? And why not other types of fish, or are there other organisms that could be used for this sort of thing?
[00:09:22] Lisa Truong: So, there’s a lot of different other fish species that others are using for different purposes, and there’s other pathways that they’ve reconserved, too. It’s just the development time.
And others is that they’re not saltwater fish. Some of these other fish are saltwater, and so, that makes the chemistry a little more difficult. Proteins and salts just change ionic strength and cause a difference in bonding and acts very different. And so, we were trying to find a model that was not going to end up causing problems for the analytical side, adding extra components like bovine serum has all the different proteins, and so then, it’s all the binding that was happening to the nanoparticles and that added a confounding factor because they would just precipitate out.
[00:09:59] David Faulkner: I know that nanoparticles have historically been. kind of tricky to deal with in a lot of assays. How well does this assay or system deal with nanoparticles? And what are the complexities? Why is it the case that nanoparticles are more difficult to deal with in a lot of these types of things?
[00:10:18] Lisa Truong: The biggest challenge for us when we got into the world of nanoparticles, which is what I worked on primarily for my PhD, was that the materials that they were synthesizing with such small quantities because it’s a nanoscale. So, to make that one batch was so precious to them, and then, because of the properties that they were using, sometimes it would repel water. It wouldn’t go into solution, or it would bind, which is what it’s designed for. It binds to salts, and it would be binding to proteins, and so the results were very much uninterpretable because in the cell cultures, they’ll be like, “Oh, there’s no toxicity.” Then, that’s because it’s bound, and they precipitated.
Then, in zebrafish, we saw a little bit of that because we had some salts but not as high concentration. The salinity wasn’t as high, and there’s no proteins in our media. But that still caused a little bit of a worry. So, what we discovered was zebrafish during development, they can actually develop in ion-free water. And so, we eliminated that completely, so we can actually see their full potential of toxicity in this model. That wasn’t foreseen.
And we’re doing a green by design, working with some, a lot of chemists working really closely, and they would put new, different ligands on there ’cause some of their ligands were not toxic, but when you combine them together, they would be toxic in this situation.
[00:11:30] Anne Chappelle: Are zebrafish inbred? Do you have to worry about mating?
[00:11:35] Lisa Truong: We can. It’s ironic. Zebrafish was discovered as a model just for development in University of Oregon. And at that time, they created a zebrafish line called AB. And the story is that they went to pet store A and then to pet store B, and they bred them together. And that line was bred to be pretty much an inbred line, deliberately.
[00:11:55] David Faulkner: Wow.
[00:11:56] Lisa Truong: Since we had that when we first got into the field, we wanted to get the most wild type fish genetic diversity that you can find. I think it’s called Tropical 5D, and we got it from the fish store Tropical. Aad they went to India, and they brought fish back. And they bred it to be outbred. And so, we do have to outcross them. We actually have some studies where we’re doing gene-environment interaction studies, where we’re looking at the genetic variability. A wide pool of animals, they get exposed to an EC50 concentration of a chemical. Why is 50 percent toxic have an effect, and 50 percent doesn’t have an effect. Is it the gene? We did some sequencing, and we found that between siblings from the same parents, there’s about five to seven percent differences. And so we have a line that’s really outbred and the other one that’s really inbred. So in our facility, there’s about 37 lines that we have available to us to do these different types of testing.
[00:12:43] David Faulkner: Incredible. Well, and then, there’s this other layer of complexity because not only is water complicated, but you’ve got all these different strains. But then, also, you have microbiomes that can affect your toxicity studies. So, can you tell us about that?
[00:13:02] Lisa Truong: We work with a group here on campus, Dr. Tom Sharpton, and we develop a way to actually assess the microbiome of zebrafish looking at their poop.
[00:13:10] David Faulkner: As one does.
[00:13:12] Lisa Truong: When they’re younger, they don’t have enough for us to collect fecal samples. And they can actually—they’re really good and talented at this—they can micro dissect out the gut of the five-millimeter fish.
[00:13:22] David Faulkner: Amazing.
[00:13:22] Anne Chappelle: I used to think I was pretty cool because I could pick a rat nose. I’ve never thought about picking a fish gut for poop.
[00:13:30] Lisa Truong: Very talented at doing that. We found that the gut microbiome after exposure during development—this was actually benzopyrene or PFAS, too—we found that the microbiome changes, and it’s correlated with their behavior profiles and responses that they get.
[00:13:46] David Faulkner: Does this mean that we should all be drinking more kombucha, eating kimchi, that sort of thing?
[00:13:51] Lisa Truong: I don’t think we know enough about that yet to actually be saying what is the best microbiome remedies.
[00:13:58] David Faulkner: It is interesting, though, thinking of the gut as having a really important role in a lot of disease that you might not otherwise associate it with.
[00:14:05] Lisa Truong: We did some research with understanding how micronutrients is also important to our behavior and also the health of their next generation. If you’ve supplemented or you remove certain vitamins out of the zebrafish diet, you find that certain like either zinc or vitamin E the lack of or excess of it can cause deleterious effects in the offspring—lots of different gene changes—and looking at the microbiome, they also has those impacts.
[00:14:29] David Faulkner: So, you mentioned behavioral changes and social behavior as well? Can you tell if a fish is depressed?
[00:14:35] Anne Chappelle: That’s good.
[00:14:36] Lisa Truong: I think you can. You can almost tell in the sense of zebrafish are social animals, like in a regular non-laboratory setting, they are always in schools of fish. In our software, you can measure how far apart the fish are from each other. And they hug, which is like what they call the nearest neighbor, and the shoaling cohesion.
But they also, when we singulate them, we pull one fish out and isolate it. You can see what they normally do. They go into a new tank. They kind of patrol on the bottom of the tank and just hang out. And eventually they’ll start exploring. You can look at that latency of when they start exploring or if they ever do.
[00:15:11] David Faulkner: Or they’re just like, well, I guess this is my life now at the bottom of this tank.
[00:15:16] Anne Chappelle: That was the best thing I heard all day.
[00:15:18] David Faulkner: Finding Emo.
[00:15:20] Anne Chappelle: Finding Emo. So, how do you extrapolate some of the neurobehavioral things and turn that into something that the public cares about?
[00:15:31] Lisa Truong: One of the studies that I could talk about is that we wanted to look at benzoylpyrene, which is a PAH and has been classified as carcinogen, and we wanted to see what the toxicity of it in zebrafish. So, we did an exposure. We got the dose-response curve. We found a NOAEL. We found that they had caused swimming behavior changes at five days, so then, we’re like, “Okay, what if we raise those same fish up into adults? Will there be anything that’s physiologically wrong, or is there anything that’s behaviorally wrong?” So, we looked at their BMI when we got to adults, and they were a little bit on the high end. So, zebrafish, we can actually do fitness tests, too. So, we have these little water treadmills,
[00:16:07] David Faulkner: Amazing.
[00:16:08] Lisa Truong: So, we can see how much oxygen they’re consuming.
[00:16:10] David Faulkner: Incredible.
[00:16:11] Lisa Truong: These fish that were exposed only during development of five days, they consumed a lot more oxygen. And so, we’re like, “Okay, so what else is impacted?” So then we looked at their learning and memory, and they weren’t as sharp—like it took them longer to learn. So, we developed these little shuttle boxes where zebrafish to condition them you can feed them food.
There’s negative conditioning to fish that we can do in high-throughput manner, and that’s like a mild little tap to them. And they kind of go to where they need to go. So, we put these fish in these tanks that are divided where when you turn on the light, you want them to go into the light, and they have eight seconds to go to the light. And so, we conditioned them multiple times, and those fish that were exposed only during development, they never caught on.
And then what we did was we took those same fish, and we developed these assays where basically it’s a drive-in movie. You’re in your own box by yourself, and we show them a video We first show them a video of their friends and so with a camera right above to see how close they hang out next to the screen. Because they’re like my friend or not and so they swim right next to it the whole entire time. Then, the video switches to a predator that they’ve never seen in life because they were raised in captivity. It’s a predator, and they dart. We see how fast it takes for them to leave. Because they saw their friend, we know their eyes are working. So, there’s no pheromones related because it’s just a video, and zebrafish can only see size, even if it wasn’t a picture of a predator—it's just the size of their dot growing. It seems like something’s coming at them. So, you can see how much time they spend away from the screen.
Then, the last test in that same assay is if I came into the room and I popped a balloon, everyone would kind of startle for the first time. If I keep doing it, you guys will be like, “Knock it off. That’s annoying.” The fish do the same thing. They have the same response of the lateral line feeling of that, and we can test that for zebrafish. What we expect is that the first half there’d be a high response, and over time, they habituate and ignore you. And what we found from the study is they perform poorly in all those behavioral assays when they were only exposed during development. So, it’s kind of, we wrapped it up to like they had learning memory problems and maybe high anxiety because they never habituated to that response.
And so, then, what we wanted to see is if this is transgenerational. We wanted to see if their children had this effect and they were never exposed at all, except for their parents had been exposed and the trend was consistent. The BMI was back to normal, but they still had fitness deficits and they had a lot of learning memory issues. And then we did grandchildren and the effects still happening. We went five generations, and a lot of the adult behaviors are not as strong, but there’s still some effects where we can see that they have anxiety and their learning memory is not as acute as before.
[00:18:37] David Faulkner: Two immediate thoughts.: First is very relatable being anxious and overweight—totally get that. Secondly, the description of all these tests are adorable. I very much want to see this because it sounds awesome.
[00:18:50] Anne Chappelle: I wanna be a fish friend,
[00:18:52] David Faulkner: Yeah.
[00:18:53] Anne Chappelle: So, you’re at EPA, you’re this brilliant graduate student from your lab brings this to you, your regulator. What do you do with that?
[00:19:02] Lisa Truong: That is a challenge right now, trying to understand what to do with the data as an adult for fish.
[00:19:06] Anne Chappelle: How do you take what you’ve got there and translate that into saying, “We’re not regulating these chemicals enough.” How do you take this and translate this into something that isn’t going to just freak people out, be able to adequately convey the risks of eating too many really well-done hamburgers because that’s really what we’re talking about with PAHs, right, is well-done hamburgers.
[00:19:30] Lisa Truong: Yeah. So Dr. Tanguay is,who I work with really closely. She’s working with the different groups on trying to figure out how to apply new alternative methods to understand how that brings value. And so what we’re proposing is really that zebrafish is going to be the first screen, the tier, and that if these assays come up and these are hits, then follow them up and with the studies will give us data and be able to corroborate and get more information to say this chemical is what we see in zebrafish and we see the same trend in these neuro cell lines or we have to go to rodent studies. But part of the 3Rs are trying to move away from it, trying to find alternative assays to actually supplement the information based off what we find and so not necessarily saying that zebrafish is an end all be all and that we found the answer. It’s a ... this is the start. We have some inclination of what could be the concerns. And so, what other assays are available in this toolbox can we use to actually move us forward? We’ve hit it on the spot and not everyone knows what to do with the zebrafish data yet. But they are concerned, and they agree with the data is just how do you get into regulators to understand that? But right now, it’s cost prohibited because we’re just doing one concentration at the NOAEL. But is it not enough to say that the NOAEL has this long-lasting effect?
[00:20:46] Anne Chappelle: So, the NOAEL being a no-observed-adverse-effect-level.
[00:20:49] Lisa Truong: Yeah, when they are being tested during development, but it becomes long-lasting effects that no one’s been looking at. They would have checked off, and if it wasn’t any other assay, they would have checked it off and said, “Good to go.” But we’re not seeing these other effects, and so I think we’re going into a world where we haven’t even looked into those potential. And I think NIEHS and other government granting agencies are starting to look into those potential impacts, but it’s not clear how to deal with that yet. Like, how do you calculate a NOAEL for adult.
[00:21:18] Anne Chappelle: Yeah. exactly.
So, since we are talking about adverse reactions. What was your biggest adverse reaction?
[00:21:25] Lisa Truong: Oh, that’s on the spot. I didn’t actually think of one beforehand. I would probably say my biggest adverse reaction is actually being the first to get into grad school in my family and that I didn’t go into the stereotypical, medical field in my family.
[00:21:43] David Faulkner: Wow.
[00:21:44] Lisa Truong: I wanted to be a researcher and study toxicology. I came to Oregon State as a pre-pharmacy student. I got admitted to the program, and that’s because the stereotypical tiger mom of mine was like, “You need to do something that’s not just gallivanting and save the world.” And so, I was saying, “You know, I want to study what causes the toxicity and not only sit there and count pills all day.”
[00:22:09] David Faulkner: That’s interesting. That is really interesting. I think that’s the first one we’ve gotten of that nature.
[00:22:14] Anne Chappelle: I think that’s really interesting from a parent right now who’s trying to get their children to choose majors in college that will get them off of my dime. There’s a balance of that. I remember telling my parents, “Yeah, I’m going to get a degree in biology. Yeah, I’ll get a job.” “Oh, okay. Sure you will.” And then when I did, they’re like, “Oh, thank God,” ’cause I told them all throughout I was, and then, I did. And they’re like, “Oh, good.”
[00:22:36] Lisa Truong: That’s the reaction I got, and when I decided not to pursue my pharmacy degree and declined it, that was the reaction. And then going into grad school right away because I did my undergrad faster, so I can get into pharmacy school sooner because I finished in three years and because I can start sooner than I decided a quarter before that I am going to apply for grad school.
[00:22:56] David Faulkner: Amazing.
[00:22:57] Anne Chappelle: Good for you.
[00:22:58] David Faulkner: So, speaking of the road not taken, another favorite question that we like to ask our guests is what would you be doing if you were not doing what you are doing right now?
[00:23:08] Lisa Truong: I would probably guess it’s something to do with running some type of organization, probably like in the medical field somewhere. I grew up really poor, and I’m bilingual. So, I speak Cantonese first and so trying to help with them and going to doctors and trying to help navigate everything. My parents were immigrants over from the Vietnam War. I was born here, but I speak English well and what not, but others didn’t get that privilege, right? So, parents didn’t have all the access to things and don’t understand how the society works and are taken advantage of all the time. Not that anyone’s intentional, it’s just they weren’t informed. I think in an alternate universe, if money was not what you had to survive off of, that probably would be doing that.
[00:23:49] Anne Chappelle: That is awesome.
[00:23:50] David Faulkner: That’s really cool. Thank you so, so much for coming on our show today. This has been a lot of fun. Really, really interesting. interesting stuff. Thank you.
[00:23:56] Lisa Truong: Thank you for having me.
[00:23:58] Anne Chappelle: Thank you so much.
[00:23:59] “Decompose” Theme Music
[00:24:05] David Faulkner: Next time on Adverse Reactions, “Toxicology Is a Team Sport: The Science of Working Together,”
[00:24:12] Anne Chappelle: with Dr. Steve Fiore of the University of Central Florida.
[00:24:16] Steve Fiore: Most people don’t realize teamwork is a new idea in organizations. Teamwork in the US really didn’t take off until like late ’70s, ’80s eighties or so. And even then, it wasn’t really the way that everyone was doing something. Even organizations were very individually oriented. I think this difference between a more collectivistic orientation versus an individualistic one, it’s not just in science; it was really part of the US.
[00:24:48] Anne Chappelle: Thank you, all, for joining us for this episode of Adverse Reactions, presented by the Society of Toxicology.
[00:24:59] David Faulkner: And thank you to Dave Leve at Ma3stro Studios,
[00:25:02] Anne Chappelle: that’s Ma3stro with a three, not an E,
[00:25:05] David Faulkner: who created and produced all the music for Adverse Reactions, including the theme song, “Decompose.”
[00:25:12] Anne Chappelle: The viewpoints and information presented in Adverse Reactions represent those of the participating individuals. Although the Society of Toxicology holds the copyright to this production, it has,
[00:25:23] David Faulkner: definitely,
[00:25:24] Anne Chappelle: not vetted or reviewed the information presented herein,
[00:25:28] David Faulkner: nor does presenting and distributing this podcast represent any proposal or endorsement of any position by the Society.
[00:25:34] Anne Chappelle: You can find out more information about the show at adversereactionspodcast.com
[00:25:40] David Faulkner: and more information about the Society of Toxicology on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
[00:25:46] Anne Chappelle: I’m Anne Chappelle,
[00:25:47] David Faulkner: and I’m David Faulkner.
[00:25:49] Anne Chappelle: This podcast was approved by Anne’s mom.
[00:25:49] “Decompose” Theme Music
[00:25:55] Episode Ends