The We are Duffree Audio Experience

How to balance purposeful content with commercial bottom lines | Perspectives with Alex Bennett-Grant | Co-founder and CEO of We Are Pi

We are Duffree

We are joined this week by the indomitable Alex Bennett-Grant - co-founder and CEO of creative agency WE ARE Pi. 

Alex is a brilliant thinker and astute cultural commentator who changes the advertising landscape, providing a platform for impact with the diverse output he oversees at We Are Pi. His awe-inspiring portfolio includes work for Lego, Ted, Channel 5 and many more. We talk to Alex about his international upbringing, the go-getter motivation behind starting his company, virtue signalling and how to balance purposeful content with commercial bottom lines.

Perspectives is the audio and video experience from We are Duffree, the creative agency making work with a heart for every living soul on this planet. In a series of impactful, thought-provoking conversations, our founder Mitchell sits down with industry leaders, free-thinking changemakers and fearless activists catapulting listeners into a limitless universe of unique perspectives which inspire, challenge and shake up the status quo.  

Get ready for a shift in perspective. 

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