Take It To The Board with Donna DiMaggio Berger

Successful Community Association Living Starts With the Purchase Decision with Marisa DiLenge, Founder of DiLenge Real Estate Team (Part I)

June 22, 2022 Donna DiMaggio Berger

Is living in a community association the right fit for everyone? In this first of two installments, host Donna DiMaggio Berger speaks with Marisa DiLenge, founder of DiLenge Real Estate Team. She has been a licensed real estate consultant since 1992. She is also a member of the National Association of Realtors, a member of the Masters Brokers Forum of Broward County, a member of the Florida Association of Realtors, and a member of the Realtor Association of Greater Fort Lauderdale. They discuss how an experienced and professional realtor is now more important than ever.

Highlights include:

  • How much longer will the seller’s market last?
  • What constitutes a reasonable price point?
  • For the Florida market, where are the buyers coming from these days? 
  • Are the challenges and costs associated with maintaining and repairing older coastal buildings going to make these communities unaffordable for a large portion of Florida’s population? Would some owners be better off selling now?
  • Will we see a time in the near future when only the very rich can afford to live on Florida’s coast?
  • Will Florida support  affordable housing arrangements similar to New York’s?
  • Will realtors be the ones to tell purchasers that they need to obtain and review  safety and financial reports?
  • Where does the money for rising insurance rates come from? Do the association documents allow for certain budget cuts to close the gap?
  • What kind of information can a potential purchaser or tenant reasonably expect to receive from a broker with regard to an association’s rules and restrictions?
  • What role can a realtor play in communicating rules and restrictions to a potential buyer?
  • What kind of due diligence and inspections should  purchasers undertake prior to closing?

Helpful links: