Take It To The Board with Donna DiMaggio Berger

Successful Community Association Living Starts With the Purchase Decision with Marisa DiLenge, Founder, DiLenge Real Estate Team (Part II)

Is living in a community association the right fit for everyone? In this second of two installments, host Donna DiMaggio Berger speaks with Marisa DiLenge, founder of the DiLenge Real Estate Team. She has been a licensed real estate consultant since 1992. She is also a member of the National Association of Realtors, a member of the Masters Brokers Forum of Broward County, a member of the Florida Association of Realtors, and a member of the Realtor Association of Greater Fort Lauderdale. They discuss how an experienced and professional realtor is now more important than ever.

Highlights include:

  • Should home renovations be done for the owner’s enjoyment or always with an eye towards resale value?
  • Developers love density, but is a pool on top of a parking structure a good idea?
  • How much due diligence should potential buyers do, particularly when purchasing in older coastal buildings?
  • What can past board minutes tell a potential purchaser about the community he or she is considering?
  • How does one find a well-credentialed realtor?
  • What creates risk when denying  an application? Does requiring minimum credit scores really result in a financially healthier community?
  • Are “55 and Over” communities holding their value?
  • Is  there a conflict of interest when a realtor serves on his or her own board of directors?
  • How do environmental factors, such as “cancer clusters,” affect the asking price?
  • Can unauthorized  social media pages for a community association negatively impact property values?
  • Who is getting priced out of the current market?

Helpful links: