The One Open Door Podcast

On the Ol' "Not Enough Time" Scam

David J McKay

About the classic and nearly universal conditioned mind scam that has us believe that "there isn't enough time". Over the course of this podcast I get into the relative nature of time, the difference between linear time and sacred time, and then I get down into the nitty-gritty and talk about to-do lists, overwhelm, distraction and the other various ways we contract our sense of time. And then of course I consider the alternative: how we may experience spaciousness within the ever-unfolding presence of the moment. Enjoy!

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Instagram: @theoneopendoor

David McKay entered a Zen Buddhist monastery at the age of twenty-nine and spent the next eighteen years training there in silence. Over time he became a skilled facilitator and counselor, offering retreats and workshops at the monastery and across the country. David left the monastery in the fall of 2014 to further explore life and spiritual practice back in the world. He currently supports awareness and personal transformation in the form of retreats, workshops, and one-on-one spiritual mentoring.