Word of Life Study Series

Prosperity is God’s Idea: Beware of the Love of Money

April 23, 2022 Brice C. Craig Season 8 Episode 4

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Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Beware of the Love of Money. With any blessing from God there is a real and present danger that abuses can take place for selfish gain. Material blessings are no less susceptible to be abused. The Bible provides us with many admonitions to guard against things like, greed, covetousness and idolatry. My goal with this podcast is to be fair and balanced on the subject of prosperity. Too often we overemphasize one side of Biblical truth at the expense of the other. I am of the belief that spiritual maturity is accomplished through balanced Biblical teaching.


Show Notes:

Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Beware of the love of money. With any blessing from God there is a real and present danger that abuses can take place for selfish gain. Material blessings are no less susceptible to be abused. The Bible provides us with many admonitions to guard against things like, greed, covetousness and idolatry. My goal with this episode is to be fair and balanced on the subject of prosperity. Too often we overemphasize one side of Biblical truth at the expense of the other. I am of the belief that spiritual maturity is accomplished through balanced Biblical teaching.


1. Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain

Godly contentment is such a wonderful virtue that stems from the peace of God; resting in the Father’s provision and care to provide for His beloved children- consider Psalms 23. God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness according to 2 Peter 1:2. All that is left for us to do now is to come and dine at the Master’s table. We don’t need to be desperate, living in survival mode to scratch out a living; consumed with where our next meal is coming from. When we taste and see that the Lord is good, we can rest assured that we will be well provided for.


2. Beware of Greed and Covetousness

A simple definition of greed is: “The excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs.” Unless of course the motive for acquiring more than what one needs is for the purpose of sowing it into others for God’s glory. At the root of greed is selfishness and pride. In order to elevate oneself above others to a position of power, influence, prestige and self-indulgence.


3. The Prosperous Soul

So when the Bible states that our “Soul” must prosper it is specifically talking about our spirit and soul first prospering before our physical body prospers, and also our checking account. Clearly the Lord wants us healthy and wealthy by this and many other Scriptures; sad that some Christians make fun of this prosperity message and mock us as the, “health and wealth gospel club.” But who are they making fun of (God), and what are they making fun of- God’s Word-Mark 11:22-24.


4. Sense Knowledge vs Heart Faith

Sense knowledge is based upon physical evidence. One believes in what they can see, hear or feel. Baby Christians who are untaught in the Word are seeking for someone who can pray the prayer of faith for them. The prayer of faith may deliver temporarily relief, but unbelief will annul the effect of their prayer eventually. Simple confidence in the Word is never sensible to the natural person who lives in the realm of the senses, for they only believe what they can see, hear or understand. Faith is giving substance to things that sense knowledge cannot understand or see. It lifts one out of the realm of the senses and into the realm of the recreated human spirit. The Thomas kind of faith is a religion of the senses.

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