Just Cincinnati

Just Cincinnati: Trailer

Kyle Väth & Stephen Byers Season 1 Episode 0

If you’re like us, the last two years have been overwhelming in light of the injustices brought to light and laid bare for the world to see. Racism, police brutality, environmental injustice, and healthcare disparities. The list could go on and on. Many of us began waking up to these injustices, only to feel overwhelmed, small, and insignificant, wanting to help but feeling in adequate and unsure of how to make a difference. And so what many of us have done, is well...nothing. We have become paralyzed with our inability to make a difference or to even know where to start.

There are a number of great podcasts that highlight the injustices of our time…and, there are also quite a few podcasts that highlight the news and the politics of the Greater Cincinnati area. But what we saw time-after-time was that there were no podcasts focusing specifically on the injustices in our region, the Greater Cincinnati area.

And so, this podcast will work to do just that. Each week, we will highlight the injustices in our community, amplify the local voices working for justice, and finally, we hope to empower you, the listeners, with practical, tangible, and local ways to bring about a more just Cincinnati.

In the coming weeks, we will be interviewing some amazing people doing courageous work, right here in our own backyard. And we know you’ll walk away inspired and with a nugget or two of really good information on small steps you can take to be a part of the change for good. 

Join us next week as we work together to bring about a more just Cincinnati.