Indigenous Faith

21.2 Asaph's Legacy

Craig & LaDonna Smith

Asaph was one of the human writers God used to give us His Holy Word.  Asaph wrote some of the Old Testament Psalms.  He left an incredible legacy which lasted hundreds of years and in many generations that followed him of faithful worshippers and worship leaders for God.  But as Craig's devotional message points out, Asaph was just like us.  He was a man who struggled with disappointments and discouragements in his life.  But Asaph learned the secret of overcoming adversity as a follower of God's way and it's a great lesson we as Indigenous people can learn as well.  One of the important aspects of living a biblically healthy life in the context of Indigenous cultures is to consider future generations in the actions we take today.  May we be found as faithful as Asaph was to ensure that, Those who are not even born yet may praise the Lord (Psalms 102:18),