Indigenous Faith

21.9 Mourning the 215 Children (Part 2)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

In what has become Craig and LaDonna Smith's most painful yet important podcast to date, they continue their response to the recent and gruesome discovery of 215 Indigenous children on the grounds of a government funded, church run Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia.  Craig and LaDonna are seeking to provide answers to some important and justifiable questions grieving Indigenous people throughout Native North America are raising.  They are going to the only source of real, universal truth, the timeless Word of God, to remind listeners that God is not silent on evil, even when committed by those who claim they have represented Him while committing and covering up their evil deeds.  No man or woman, regardless of religious affiliation, will go unpunished by the Judge of all the earth in matters of such abuse.  While we cannot go back and change what happened, we all must move forward and, for those of us who are Christ followers, help in the healing of those who survived such fatal abuse and neglect, and minister God's healing to the families of those who ended up dying in North America's unacknowledged genocide.  The Smiths thoughts are presented in this four part series.  They ask their listeners to be patient as, just like all their other podcasts, each weekly episode is launched at 9:00 a.m. CST every Saturday morning,.  They encourage you to listen to all four episodes, because you will see how faithful in healing God can be to anyone suffering deep trauma.  You'll see how God's own story, including His only Son's time on earth, is also a story of great trauma and abuse which also led to Christ's own death on a cruel cross.  You'll also see how the Smiths, who both suffered from their own personal historical trauma, have found hope and healing through the very One these perpetrators claimed to represent.  Please have an open heart and soul as you journey with Craig and LaDonna as they mourn the 215 children at the center of this tragedy in this part 2 of their 4 part series.