Indigenous Faith

21.12 First Things First (Part 1)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

As the Smiths turn the corner from addressing the Canadian Residential School issue, they want to review the five points they offered in their recent Mourning the 215 Children series that will help bring understanding and healing from those so affected by these atrocities.  In this new three part series, the Smiths introduce you to the only hope for all mankind, the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In order to come to Christ, the One so misrepresented by His followers in these Residential Schools wants you to know who He really is, how He relates to us as Indigenous people, and how you can move past the hurt to experience the most powerful healing in your life through what He wants to do for you.

Don't reject Christ because of the atrocities perpetrated by His followers.  Get to know the real Jesus, and how you can have the most incredible personal relationship with the One who made you.  

Remember, this program is in three parts.  Please don't miss a single one of them, as they all build precept on precept which will result in the clearest presentation of the gospel Craig and LaDonna can offer you.  Consider what they have to say, and please, consider making your decision about Christ only after hearing all three parts of this series!  Remember, there's hope for the hurt, healing for all the pain, and a loving Savior who will walk with you the rest of your life, and then on into eternity!  Oh, what a Savior!