Indigenous Faith

21.13 First Things First (Part 2)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

The main thing is to make the main thing the main thing!  That was a quote from Lee Iacocca, the head of Dodge Chrysler auto manufacturing company.  Under his watch the minivan came into existence.  His encouragement was to prioritize the main things to be successful.

The same holds true about prioritizing the main things to be saved and delivered from the bondages of sin that hold all mankind back.  In this three part series, Craig and LaDonna Smith take listeners down the only road the Bible says leads to salvation, and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In order to live a biblically healthy Indigenous Faith, the main thing is to understand the starting point of that faith, and it is grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  It's not Christ plus another religion.  It's not Christ plus our traditions.  It is not Christ plus anything else.  Salvation is the entrusting of your eternity into the One who died on a brutal cross to pay the penalty for your and my sins and it leads to the most incredible life here on earth! 

Don't miss any of these three parts in this vital series.  It will pave the way for all the rest of the truths of living an Indigenous Faith that pleases God!