Indigenous Faith

21.16 Baptism, the First Step in Obedience (Part 2)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

In this second part of of this important teaching on Believer's Baptism, Craig Smith continues to give the biblical rationale for new followers of Christ to be baptized, regardless of whether it had been done previously as an infant, child, or even adult.  Baptism is not salvation, faith in Christ alone is what is needed to be saved.  But once saved, we are called to walk in biblical obedience to Christ, starting with being baptized.  Christ is our example.  He never calls us to do anything He, Himself hasn't already done!  You can read about Christ's water baptism in Matthew 3:13-17.

If you'd like to take this first step in obedience to Christ, reach out to the local pastor, missionary, or leader of a Bible believing, Bible teaching church in your area.  They may ask you to go through their own Bible study teaching on baptism as a requirement, but it will be well worth it.  Remember, as Matthew 3:17 reminds us as Jesus was coming out of the waters of his baptism,  And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”  If it pleased God the Father to see His Son being baptized,  don't you think it will also please the Father to see you and I follow Christ's example in first step obedience?!