Indigenous Faith

21.17 The Infilling of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

As the Smiths continue to move Indigenous listeners through the fundamentals of Indigenous Faith, they turn their attention in this new four part series to the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  This truth, which has become of the more controversial doctrines of Christian faith, can be easily understood when you focus your attention on Christ, Himself. In this important series, Craig and LaDonna do just that as they unpack how Jesus taught and modeled what it is and what you can do when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  What was the evidence that Christ was Spirit-filled?  A more important question is, if He was God, why did He even need to be filled with the Holy Spirit?  In a clear opening of God's Word, the Smiths show how Jesus was born, filled, and resurrected from the dead by the Spirit of God.  Remember, Jesus never calls us to do anything that He, Himself, hasn't already done, including living our lives in the power of God's Holy Spirit, and overcoming any trouble or trials that the enemy of our soul tries to use to bring us down.  Open your heart and soul to the truths of God's Holy Word in this new and crucial series they are calling, The Infilling of the Holy Spirit.