Indigenous Faith

21.18 The Infilling of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Craig & LaDonna Smith

In this second episode of the Smith's four part series on the Infilling of the Holy Spirit, Craig and LaDonna continue to lay the biblical foundation for finding power for daily living out our Indigenous Faith.  Spiritual issues are known and understood by Indigenous people before ever coming to Christ.  But the spirituality that the Smiths are presenting is based on the universal, absolute truth of the Scriptures.  It admonishes followers of Christ to not be drunk with wine, which leads to debauchery, but be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).  So, what are the steps to being filled with the Spirit?  The Smiths look at Jesus Christ, Himself, for answers.  Though He was God, for thirty-three and one-third years He lived on planet earth with the rest of us.  He modeled the infilling through what the Bible describes as three key encounters Jesus had with the Holy Spirit.  In today's episode, the Smiths explore the first encounter, which is the same encounter needed for the rest of us to live a Spirit-filled life.  Stay with Craig and LaDonna in the weeks to come as they uncover for us this extremely important step we all need.  Apart from it, it's impossible to live a victorious Christian life.  It's something we can't live without!