Indigenous Faith

21.22 Christ my Healer, Christ my Health (Part 2)

September 18, 2021 Craig & LaDonna Smith

The Smiths continue to layout key foundational truths to help build a strong Indigenous Faith for followers of Jesus Christ in this final episode of their two-part series titled, Christ my Healer, Christ my Health.   In today's episode, Craig continues to preach on what happens when we pray for Divine healing only to have the symptoms remain and the pain stay the same.  Where is God when He chooses not to bring us the healing we so desire?  Has He forgotten or abandoned us, or, not even listened at all?  Taken from the authority of the Word of God and the deeper place the Lord has taken Pastor Smith in his own School of Suffering, Craig clearly explains that God will always answer our prayers for healing by offering us either Divine healing, or something even more powerful, Divine health!  Either answer is a dynamic manifestation of God's heart for the sufferer and for those who suffer alongside.  It brings to mind what Dr. A.B. Simpson so simply stated over a century ago regarding our need and God's response.  He said, In the heart of man, a cry.  In the heart of God, supply!