The Captain Coder Podcast

The Easiest Way to Get Media Coverage for Your Small Business

April 18, 2023 Marisa VanSkiver, Captain Coder Season 2 Episode 40

Have you ever visited a competitor's website or another business in your industry and noticed that they have media mentions from prestigious organizations such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Mashable? You’ve probably sat there and wondered - how did they do that? And how can I get media coverage like that?

In today's episode, I’m joined by Cahill Camden, the CEO of Press Jockey. He's not only gonna talk to us about the things that you need to know (and be prepared for) if you want to go out and get media and press for your small business, but talk to us about a really cool new tool available to you.

The best part?

It makes getting press coverage easy for anyone. No stellar media contacts required.

Throughout this episode, we cover:

[4:43] Who press is really for and why it’s important for your business

[9:09] What’s really limiting your press coverage

[12:01] How you can connect with journalists looking for your expertise

[15:32] How to pitch yourself

[24:27] How Press Jockey works and how to use it

Mentioned Resources:

Have you ever looked at a competitor or somebody else in your space and their website, they list media mentions from big organizations like Forbes, entrepreneur, Mashable, and More. And you've probably sat there and wondered, how is that possible? How can I do that? You know that getting those press mentions can be huge to the long term success of your business, but how do you go about doing that? Well, in today's episode, I sit down with Cahill, Camden, CEO of press jockey. He's not only gonna talk to us about the things that you need to know if you want to go out and get media and press, but you also have a really cool new tool available to you. To make this all a whole lot easier, open your notes app or grab a notebook because you're gonna want to pay attention to this interview all the way through. You're listening to the Captain Coder podcast. Each week I take you through actionable strategies that can help you grow your online business. I'm your host, Marisa VanSkiver, AKA Captain Coder. Thank you all for coming back to another episode of the Captain Coder podcast. I have a special guest with me today, Mr. Cahill, Camden Cahill. Can you just tell us a little bit about yourself and introduce yourself to us? Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me on. Um, so I, uh, do fractional CMO work for web three companies, so web three being blockchain, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, et cetera. And I've got an agency in the, in that space, and I've been doing that for about seven years, six and a half, seven years. And from my work there, I actually just launched an AI-based startup called Press Jockey. And so press jockey aggregates thousands of press requests from around the web, filters them for you and then gives you the ability to quickly respond using ai. And so this is what I've been focused on. You know, I've, I I'm still in the Web three world, so we can talk about that if you want. Um, but yeah, I'm focused on getting press jockey to the next level and really helping interesting companies use AI technology to help them with their press outreach. Yeah, cuz I mean, I think right now, and we talked about this a little bit, uh, before in our conversation about how, you know, I think a lot of people are very focused on AI being chat, G B T, like that's what they think AI is. And yet we've been using ai, I was thinking about this the other day, I'm like, even a calendar booking system is, is a form of ai. You know, when somebody goes to book a call with me is using artificial intelligence to help sort out, okay, is this available or not available? Can we schedule them now or not? Um, so with that, taking it into something as interesting as press, I mean, what got you down that road? What was it that really clicked to you that this could be something that people could find valuable? Yeah, great question. So like, I, like I shared, we have an agency, so I have a small boutique agency, um, that focuses just on the web three space. And we've done, like, one of the things that we focus on is press for clients. And so we've worked with you very large clients and you know, startups who have raised venture capital funding and who've raised ICO funding, et cetera. Um, and so from, from those experiences where like we've, we had, we had a time where we were scaling up doing press for a number of clients, and I was just hiring more and more and more people to like, just let's keep it up. Let's, let's keep things going. And from that I thought, you know, there's gotta be a better way to do this. And so we started, we started developing, um, the software that we now have today press jock, right? So that's kind of where it came from. It came from my own pain as, as an agency owner and, you know, to, it's evolved from there. Yeah, I think a lot of us that our service providers, we see those things where we're, we're spending a lot of human time <laugh> and we're spending a lot of our time. And then it gets frustrating and then it's, it's awesome to see you create something out of that that you know, is a problem. Like solves a problem for so many people. Um, and it's just, it's just really like, it's fun for me to see people take those challenges and instead of just complaining about it or trying to find another human or something else to solve it, like they find something that can actually solve that problem, right? And help not only themselves, but other people move forward. So why should business owners be worried themselves? Is it just for big companies? No, it's not just for big companies. You know, let's, let's take a step back, right? So press is important for a number of reasons. One, it gets you in front of your target audience so people<affirmative>, right? Okay, great. Two, it can get you in front of your potential target audience if you're not already there. Right. So you can start to get exposed to people who should be your customers. Yeah. It gets, gets you outside of the outside your normal box. Exactly. It can also get you connected with new audiences. Okay. So those are three things all about audiences. Great. But it also helps you build credibility in your industry or in your niche or niche, depending on how you say it. Depends on the day, how I say it, honestly.<Laugh>. Um, so it, it can, it can help you build that credibility, which is very important for things like sales, for things like raising money for things like conversion rates on your website or your newsletter. Like for, for all of those things, it really helps. Plus it gives you content that you can use on social media that you can use in your newsletters that you can use to then get you other press opportunities. And on top of that, it also helps give you SEO boosts, SEO links, you know, you start to climb the ranks on Google. Like it does a lot of things. And so if you think about like really prominent figures, like, you know, name some celebrities like, I don't know, like Gary Vaynerchuk or the.<Crosstalk> Well, I was gonna say, or yeah, I was gonna say even Elon Musk, we were just talking about him at Twitter. Yes. Elon Musk, he's always in the media and so everyone knows about his brand. And so this is something that any business can start to do and they should start to do it even if you're not gonna be world renowned or world known, you know, in your niche or your, your, your g demographic or geographical area. It's important to be known as an expert in your field and, and, and as, as someone who has a good product or service. And so that's why press is really, really good. Yeah. Yeah. So for when I talk to my own clients about getting what I call social proof basically, and, and even talking to students about getting testimonials and reviews, these are all things that can be social proof basically. Somebody else says that, you know what, you know, right. Press is a great way to do that because it's somebody that we have innate trust with, whether that's your local news service or C n n or Forbes, you know, getting that third party proof that hey, these big companies believe in what they're saying. I mean, would you say that's also part of it too, is building that up? That's a huge part of it. That's social proof. And that social proof will help you get more press, it will help you get more conversions. It will help you raise money, it will help you raise prices. It will help you with all of these things because people will then look at you as an expert in the field or an expert in your, your area and say, okay, well I I want to connect with you. I want to buy from you. I want to, you know, work with you because you're an expert. Like, I don't wanna just work with anyone. I wanna work with the best or the experts in the field. Right, right. Well, and to me too, it's also like we've talked about before, getting your, getting outside of your box. So somebody that maybe would never have heard of you otherwise, now they're getting introduced to you and they're gonna go back to your website, they're gonna go to your own social media and follow you and get to know you in a totally different way. Um, and it becomes a lot more trustworthy when that mention is coming from somebody like than, you know, just a random directory link that a lot of people use to build their own seo. Yeah. Exactly.<Laugh>, you know, so that's so awesome. So what would you say is usually the problem? So if I as a smaller business owner who has a smaller audience, for instance, uh, I, you know, I provide services for people, what would you say to somebody who's like, this is my reality. I don't have millions of people following me on Instagram, like Kim Kardashian, I don't have my name in the press every day with what I'm doing. Like Elon Musk. Like what typically is limiting somebody in that position from getting the pre press coverage that could help them when they have that expertise? Yeah, so I was gonna say there, there are two things. One is the mindset. So what, what do I mean by that? I've found that a lot of people that I've talked to, small business owners especially, they think, well, I'm not an expert. I don't know enough. I haven't, you know, sold my business for a hundred million dollars, yet I haven't done X, Y, and Z and I can fall into that. I think we can all fall into that kind of, sure. I'm not good enough yet. And I think one of the things that you've gotta overcome is you do have experience and knowledge and expertise in some type of area, I don't know what that is, but in some type of area. And if you can provide that knowledge or that, that, that value add in the conversation in those areas, that's how you start to get press. Now you don't, you don't, you don't have to go down that path forever, but it's how you start, right? And so maybe you've overcome adversity, maybe you have some very interesting experience or knowledge in your niche. Great. Start talking about that. Start getting the ball rolling, right? So that's why. And then two is you've, you've got it, you the, one of the other challenges that companies face is they don't, they don't use the right tools and so they end up spending a lot of time doing something that should take way less time. And so, like, that's exactly why we built price shopping, is we were spending a lot of time doing press mm-hmm.<affirmative> for clients. And we said there, I said, there's gotta be a better way. And so now we've, we can spend 90% less time Wow. Doing what we're doing and get the same results and better results. And we can also then free up our time to do more things for other clients or more things for other businesses. Like that's awesome. And so I think, again, one mindset, two, use the right tools so that you can save time, you can get going and no, you don't have to have tens of thousands of dollars to do press. You know, you can, you can start in, in a very, in a very cost effective way and then start scaling up once you, once you start to see results. And once you, once you want to go further. Yeah. So I mean like for, to kind of take a step back there and ask a clarifying question, um, you can use something like press jockey where, you know, typically, like the old school way of getting press is typically you would have to know someone, correct? Yeah. So there's actually two types of ways, and this is something that I, I, I teach to, to clients, I teach to people who are interested. Um, there's the traditional kind of mad menes style of getting <laugh> of getting pressed, which is you have a Rolodex, you build a pitch, you build a story arc, you know, you work with an agency, it's, uh, its Betsy, it's. Cool. And then you drink some, you drink some whiskey in the afternoon. Yeah. Send off a number of pitches to specific media contacts, editors, podcasts, et cetera. That does work and it works very well. We do that as an agency, but it is not cheap. Right? Right. It takes a lot of time to do that. It really, it really does. And you've gotta have a network. And so as your network, as you do more and more of this, your network grows and grows and grows and now all of a sudden you're working with a, an agency that has like a lot of contacts and okay, that's what you're partially paying for as well. Right? That's outbound press. So that does work. What we're looking at with press jockey is inbound press. And so that's when the media is sending requests across the web on different platforms saying, Hey, I'm doing an article about X, Y, Z and I need an expert in X, y, z mm-hmm.<affirmative> to give me some insights from my article. I've got two days in terms of my deadline and can anyone help? That's where you've got, you've got really cost effective, um, interesting opportunities. Yeah. So there's a lot place to to leverage that too. Yeah. Well, and one thing that I learned, so I have a friend here that just works for the local paper, um, I mean it has a large readership, cuz this, I live in Wichita, Kansas. It is a metro area of a half a million. Um, she writes for the business section, and I remember thinking years ago that you had to know her and you had to know somebody that knew somebody to get written about. And the reality is, especially in today's world, they're working on fast deadlines. They they need constant content. Like they want your information Exactly. A lot of times. Exactly. And, you know, you, you mentioned something that's important, speed, right? So one of the challenges before press shocking we experienced this is there are, you know, a dozen platforms that you've gotta pay attention to and monitor mm-hmm.<affirmative> because each platform has different requests on it. And so you're spending a lot of time like looking for the right opportunity in the right match. So again, pressure filters it all into one spot. We use AI to do, you know, matching and algorithms to matching it. Just here's the, here's the opportunities that will likely make the most sense for you. Right. You put in keywords and whatnot and so it, it is really helpful. But, but you're right. Like they're, they're constantly moving quickly. And so if you are not on top of the inbound requests in a, in a fast way, it's like you, you, you can miss opportunities as well, right? Right. So really what this is, is helping you get out of your own way and like, this is what this sounds like to me, is helping you get out of your own way and finding those opportunities that people are already looking for. Someone like you who has the knowledge that you have. A hundred. That's so cool. Um, and, and what you're telling people, so a lot of my clients, they're, they're service providers. They provide services, they are experts in what they do. They may not consider themselves that because it's a mindset challenge of course. Like to say, yes, I'm an expert, like I've been coding since I was 13 and I still like, have a hard time going, yes, I'm an expert about websites. Right. Um, but do you, do you feel like people are going to, like, what's, what's the process when you submit that to somebody who's looking for press? Do they put you through those rigorous process? I mean, is this something that most people can do and they just don't know it? I think it is something that most people can do and they just don't know it. However, your experience obviously helps how you helps present your experience. Yeah. Helps. Of course. So, and again, this is one of the things that, that we, we do teach. It's like, yes, if you have one year of coding experience, you could probably get an immediate Absolutely. But it depends on how you pitch yourself. Right? And so if your LinkedIn looks terrible or if you, if you, if you don't present yourself well, or if you don't know how to share your successes in that year of development, um, in, in a way that's captivating and interesting, like maybe you were the fastest person to go through your coding camp and you launched three applications when no one launched any, like okay. Presenting that type of mm-hmm.<affirmative> an experience is, is better than saying, Hey, I, I'm a developer with one year experience. Like, okay, you know, no one cares. You know what I mean? Right, right. Like I teach 13 year old kids, like they can have one year experience. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And so you've gotta be able to present yourself in the right way. But to your point, I think everyone has, everyone has some type of expertise, especially if you've been, you know, a solo solo business founder or if you've been in business and you know, again, some of the things that I say is like, maybe it's your expertise in transitioning from corporate life to entrepreneurial life. Maybe it's your expertise in being a female founder. Maybe it's your expertise in, you know, including, I don't know, sustainability or robotics into your mm-hmm. <affirmative> service offerings. Like, there's so many things that you can probably speak to that I might not know anything about or that the media might not know anything about, but they're looking for that expertise and I think that there's, there, there are opportunities for that. Yeah. So tell me a little bit, let's talk about the presenting yourself in a way, what kind of foundational thing. So if you wanna go, cuz okay, full disclosure, I'm the person who will procrastinate by doing and putting all of the things into place that I think I need<laugh> in order to like be accepted into that area, which I know we, we don't wanna get too in the weeds and say you have to have a website and media packet and all those other things. What are some of the basic things that you would suggest that people look at if they're starting to want, if they wanna go use something like press jockey and start getting themselves media placements. So you can get started without anything and press jockey. Our, our AI assistant, we call it Jamie, um, our AI assistant and press jockey will give you ideas on how to present yourself. That's really cool. When. You hit create a response, it will write out and, and we've trained it so it will write out sentences that say, you know, as an fill in the blank expert with fill in the blank experience and you can just go in and start filling those things out to present yourself. So you don't really technically need anything to get started. Um, so I don't have to go do a whole overhaul of my LinkedIn and post on Twitter 15 times. No, not at all. Now, can some of those things help? Absolutely. But to get started, you don't need it to get started. You just need to have an understanding of, okay, is there some type of value that you can provide to this topic that you're responding to? Right? So if you're talking about sustainability or talking about AI or talking about development and coding, can you provide value there? Or, and if you can, great. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> start responding to those requests and the AI will give you ideas and then you'll start to uncover, uh, some of the, the successes that you've had in your own life and, you know, you'll save those and then you'll start to build your pitch and it will become better and better and better. And then you'll say, Hey, wait a second, my LinkedIn looks like garbage <laugh>. I need to put some of these on LinkedIn. And then you'll start to do it. Right. Now again, we do have like, you know, we do have upgrades and stuff where we will go in and we'll, we'll, we'll polish your LinkedIn and clean it up and like, you know, we, you can do those types of things as well, but you don't need that to get started. Right, right. Well, and that's good for a lot of people because I think the other part of that is am I really ready to get press? You know what I mean? Where they're gonna be concerned about that. But what I'm hearing you say is a lot of it is one, having a full understanding of the value that you bring, and two, having confidence in the value that you bring. Yeah. And I think to your point, are you ready to get press? There's, there's a couple of things that we've gotta remember here, right? Press is a numbers game. Okay? So just because you reach out 10, 20, 30 times doesn't mean you're gonna get, you're gonna get a placement. You really have to reach out like a hundred times. You may get 10 responses and outta those 10 responses you'll get placed one or two times maybe. But those one or two times could be worth a thousand to$20,000 worth of media exposure. So it's Right. That's really worth it. And so keeping that in mind and knowing that this is gonna take some time, it's better to get started now because here's the thing, when you need press, then you're gonna be scrambling for it. Right. Or what you're gonna see is you're gonna see your competitors advance ahead because they're gonna just get started. They're gonna work at all the marbles, they're gonna polish their pitch and you're gonna, you know, little exposure pieces and you're gonna be like, oh, that, that, that kind of sucks. I could do better than that, but. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I think we've all had that where we've seen, how did that person get pressed? I'm way smarter than <laugh>. Yep. And then over time what you'll see is that person will get better and better and better and then all of a sudden you're like, whoa, they're really far ahead. And so I would really strongly recommend that if you are interested in getting in front of audiences and getting more exposure, et cetera, like yeah, you do, you do start, start sooner than later because it's gonna take you a bit of time to like iron out all the wrinkles in your pitch mm-hmm.<affirmative> and like polish your LinkedIn and like, you know, get, get what you wanna say. Right. And like it's gonna take you, you know, a little while. Yeah. It's just like, I mean we talk about this all the time when you wanna start recording video or recording a podcast or writing a blog, I mean it is practice makes perfect. And that's kind of the same thing here is what I'm hearing you say. Yes. Yeah. Perfect. I mean, and um, with that, so if somebody were to go to press Jockey to help them get started, they may not see results necessarily right away, but you're giving them the tools to help them improve every single time and get more of those opportunities. Correct. Is that correct? Correct. Very correct. And we're also saving you a ton of time. So you, again, you don't have to use press jockey fine, but then let's say you don't, okay, now you're on multiple platforms and you will spend, cuz we've done it, you will spend hours and hours and hours and hours every week sorting through press requests, looking for the right matches, sending off responses, copying, pasting your templates, you know, trying to figure out what to say, et cetera, et cetera. Or you could have it all in one spot organized for you, save a ton of time and in 15, 20 minutes a day, like respond to dozens of requests every week with the help of our trained AI assistant. I know which one I would choose <laugh> cause cause I literally Because. You already chose. It. Yeah. I already chose it. So, you know, it's up to you though. No, I mean, I think to me, and I mean just me personally, but I know for other clients and I have a client right now who's getting some press for stuff she is doing and they're going a little bit of the old school route with this. Um, you know, and she has, she has a platform. It's not like this is the first time she's, she's gotten press, but that can look really unattainable to someone who has a smaller audience who, um, maybe they only make low six figures every year and they don't really think that they, cuz they don't have time, we're running our businesses, we do not have time and we don't have the funds to hire someone to find those press placements for us. So I love the idea of press jockey personally because it's like, oh this sounds like it makes it so much easier. And I love that you have built-in tools like an AI like Jamie that can help me make it better all the time. Um, so let's talk about the accounts that you can go for with press jockey and how that all works. Like, if you were to go sign up, what does that look like? Great questions. There are three different ways you can approach this. One, you can do this as a small business. So that gives you a single count, gives you a certain number of keywords and you know, you've got one login and you can, you can go ahead and start seeing all the opportunities and, and just, you can go for it and, and prosper. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, it, it really, it really, it really is that easy. Now if you want more power, and so you, for example, you mentioned, hey, if I don't have the time and I want to hire, let's say a VA or mm-hmm.<affirmative> or a freelancer and you can find them all across the world. I wanna hire someone, maybe I'll pay them $200 a month, you know, and I want them to use press jockey to spend 15 to 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day responding to these requests and booking my calendar. Great. You can then use the agency style account, the agency style account will give you a lot more power, like a lot more power. So you can have team members, you have admin access, you control everything. You've got reports. You can see how your, your employees or your freelancers are doing. And so you, you get more keywords, et cetera. So there's that route as well. And then lastly, if you're really like, Hey, I don't want to have any hands on anything, I want the pros to do it, we have an option for that as well. And we will, our team will run it for you and we'll, we'll do everything from the setup to the pitches, to the scheduling. We do all of it for you. So it's a super straightforward way to, to get started. That's awesome. Now you talked about keywords, which I know for most of the people that I work with, they're gonna be thinking about seo. So if you've ever done your SEO like keywords and you've kind of found out which ones you wanna target, are, are these kind of the same things? Like how would you go about choosing your keywords that you wanna target for press and media placements? Yeah, very similar things. So we, we, when we're doing the data assessment of every press request, we're looking through it for keywords. And so, um, we're looking through it for sentiment. And so we're, we're plus a number of other things. And so we're, we're, we're trying to say, okay, if you put in the keyword health, does this match any press request of someone in the media who's looking for health experts or mm-hmm. <affirmative> healthy, you know, food and beverage companies or something related to health. Right? So that's how the keywords work. So if you've already got an idea of the keywords that you want to be known for or you want to rank for, then you can put in some of those keywords into press jockey and we will see what opportunities are out there for press requests free. That's awesome. So you have the ability to kind of basically research to choose. Absolutely. So. It's not like just you put that in and those are your only three that you get. From Yeah. You can constantly change them. Like, you know, we, we, we, we want you to be successful with this, so there's no restrictions on it. Um, you know, you can change them, you can add more keywords, uh, you know, like you can, you can do all of that. And we also put in a, a pretty cool historic lookup feature so you can look backwards at the past 30 days of. That's really cool. So you can get an idea of like how your, your keyword will perform in the future. And so that, that gives you, that gives you the, the, the ability to, you know, put in a number of different keywords, see which ones have the most opportunities or maybe targeted opportunities, and then you can go forward from there. Right. Right. And, and basically what you're looking for is you wanna be careful with your keywords, right? Cuz you wanna find the right opportunities that you can actually help with. And so digging into those press requests and looking at that historical data, you're gonna make sure that you're looking at the right ones basically. Correct. Yes. Uh, but I, now here's the thing though, right? I do, I do recommend that everyone start broad when they're, when they're getting started. So put in generic, not generic, but like, you know, the root of a keyword word like health and see Yeah. Like a one word. Like a one word, like it's gonna be broad. You're gonna get a lot of matches and yes, let's say 40% of them are not gonna be relevant. That's okay. Because what you're trying to figure out is which ones are relevant to me? And if I don't put in that broad keyword, I may miss something that the media is putting out there that I never even thought about. Like sure, maybe they've put it in the wrong category or maybe they've worded it in a very strange way and they just put health as one of the, the, the keywords. But it's really all about biotech and ai. Uh, you know, maybe it's a biotech and AI or something like that, or a development in ai, but it's for a health magazine and you're just like, you know, there's an opportunity there that maybe is perfect for you. And so you gotta put in those broad keywords and then as time goes on and you realize, okay, 20, 30, 40% of these are not relevant, you start to narrow your keywords down and get, get the more direct matches. Yeah. Cuz I mean, even with seo, I teach this all the time, but like, they don't use the terminology that we use. I mean, would you say that's true even with media mentions that they're not necessarily going to say things the same way that you would as the expert? Right, exactly. That, that often happens because you gotta remember, they're not always experts on, on the topics they're writing about. That's why they're looking for you. Because I may be tasked as, as, as an, as a writer for, you know, health health, I may be tasked with writing an article about the future of AI development as it relates to software in the healthcare industry. And I don't know anything about that. Right. So that's why I'm looking for you to help me because yeah, sure I know about health, but I don't know anything about development or software for an expert in that, in that field to help me. Right? Right. So it's, to me, it's important. It's the same way, like if you do your keyword research, it's almost the same way you're looking for common tech, common terminology, common jargon and not our technical terms. Like, you don't wanna start there, you wanna start with something very broad and very common sense almost, which can be hard as a business owner when you're in it day to day, I'm gonna struggle with this myself. You know, making sure that you're thinking about, okay, I'm not, I'm the expert, but I'm not gonna, like, I know my customers don't talk about this the same way I talk about it. So getting into their head a little bit, are there any tricks beyond like just typing in those broad keywords that you would suggest kind of help people generate some of those ideas? Yeah, so we actually have, we actually have a, we're launching a trends based nice, um, trends based newsletter that will provide data to, to paying members for that. And so I I'm thinking we're, we're, we're gonna, we're gonna open it up to anyone who wants to get that, that insight. But that will be a combination of, you know, us doing keyword research, trending research on media, you know, releases stories in the media and then also the press requests that we're seeing, uh, come through our platform. So it's gonna be a pretty interesting, in interesting newsletter. Like for example, we've assessed almost a half of a million press requests over the course of three and a half months. Wow. And so there's a lot of interesting data insights there that will show you what's trending, what's not, you know, how people in the media are talking about specific topics, which gives you an advantage then to be able to put in the right keywords that you get the best opportunities. Well, and I just wanna talk about the volume I press requests that you just mentioned over the last three and a half months. That tells me there's so much opportunity for people to get media mentions. They just have to go looking for that opportunity. Yeah. There, there, there are, there are quite a few like thousands every month. Yeah. That's very cool. So, um, we have been talking now for 30 minutes. I feel like we could talk forever, but let's go ahead and wrap this up a little bit and talk about, cuz I know that you guys said that you are in beta. Um, so you're, what kinds of things if somebody were to go to press right now and sign up, what kind of things could they expect within this initial beta that they're signing up for? So the beta, we're only taking 500 users for the beta. Okay. So beta users get a massive discount on the, the, the subscription, uh, cost to mm-hmm.<affirmative> to press jockey. We're talking like 45 to 55%. So it's massive discount. Plus you get the latest features in our AI development. And so when we release those release, we release it to the beta users first. Um, and then really cool. Yeah. So then, then on top of it, we're offering beta users, uh, you know, um, and if they're coming from your podcast, we'll we will jump on the phone with 'em for 15, 20 minutes and like really help them understand how to structure their press. So you get basically free consulting session. Um, and then right now in the beta program, you know, one of the things that, that I think everyone should know is like, we're constantly pushing updates. We like to move very fast. So in the beta program we just ask for feedback in terms of what's broken, what would you like to see us build mm-hmm. <affirmative>. we constantly make changes, uh, you know, progress the platform forward so that you can have the best results with your press outreach. Yeah. That's really cool. So where can people go to learn more about you, more about press jockey, um, as, as they're listening to this and they're interested in maybe finding out a little bit more information? Yeah, just go to so that's P R E S S J O C K E So press and you can get started there. We actually for the beta as well, we're offering a 14 day free trial. You don't need a credit card. Like, so we're like, we want your feedback and by the way, once you get into that 14 day free trial, you're, you're technically reserving your spot for the beta. So that's the paid, the paid version of it. So you do get that discount, but it is filling up fast. I can definitely say that. Um, and I don't think that we will keep it around for too much longer. Perfect. Well, and I know, um, this podcast we're releasing on, um, let's see, four 18, that's today. Um, so as of four 18, hopefully there are still still some spots left for you guys. I'll be totally honest and blunt. I'm probably gonna go sign up for my two weeks, no two weeks trial, like right after we get off our call today. Um, cuz this is really cool and I love like how, just, just one last question. How was it that you guys determined that this was the right way for, for you to go? Was it just your personal experience or was it something that clients came to you with and you went, no, I just wanna make this all just so much easier? It was a little bit of both, you know, from a personal experience on the agency side, um, we just had so much difficulty with press outreach and responding to some of these requests on the platforms that we're on. And so we said, okay, let's make it easier. And so that put us down our, our our journey. And then from there I thought, well, there are other agencies that can really leverage this. Anyone who's looking for back links or SEO boosts can really leverage this. Any small business who wants to get in front of the media and build their social credibility or their, their trust in the market, get in front of audiences, get brand exposure, they can benefit from this. And so we just kept on going from there. I love it. I love it. I mean, and it's just, I mean obviously this is a for-profit enterprise, but to me this is a crazy amazing thing that you are doing for just this, for the community as a whole to make this easier for people and kind of like stop gatekeeping press and media mentions. That that's actually very interesting that you mentioned that because that's exactly what, what the under part of the underlying reason is. Right. It's like, I think that there are a lot of really interesting businesses in the world and unfortunately there's just a very, very small amount that really get press mm-hmm.<affirmative> and the press that we see is kind of the same brands over and over and over again. And, you know, rarely we will see something pop out that, that is interesting, but I'm, I'm like, you know, there's, there are interesting people around the world who are trying to do good things with their businesses, right. And yeah, I would like to see them get in, in the media more so that we can have more success as, as, you know, humans and you can have more success in your business and your community can develop and the business world can thrive, you know? Right, right. And I mean the more, the more voices that we get and the more, especially in the more diverse voices, not just the same ones all over the place, um, I think that's the only thing we can get out of that is good, you know what I mean? Like, it helps us see other people's experiences and gain value from each other and just really open the world up in a totally different, totally different. Way. Totally. Awesome. Well thank you so much for joining us today. Um, again, if you guys have any questions you wanna find out more, you can go to press All of their social media is linked on their website, but gonna link it in today's show notes and a few other things from Cahill. So if you guys have any questions, please feel free to dm or at Captain Coder on Instagram. Um, and I will hook you up if you have those questions and send you on to Cahill. So Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us today. Thanks for having me out. I hope you loved that interview as much as I did. There are so many things in there that if you have ever thought about getting yourself press and media mentions, that can help you do that. But I highly encourage you to go check out press Jockey and make that even easier for you. And let's just save time and get your expertise out in the world. Thank you all for tuning into our show this week. To catch more Captain Coder, you can subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast app. Now. If you have any questions or you wanna learn more about digital marketing and how it can help grow your online business, follow us on Instagram at Captain Coder or visit us Can't wait to talk to you all again next week.