Holy Joys Sermons

Two Examples of Christlike Servanthood (Philippians 2:19–30)

Holy Joys

Johnathan Arnold continues his series on being "Servants Together for the Gospel," a sermon series on Paul's Letter to the Philippians. Christlike servants genuinely care about and gladly sacrifice for the things that Jesus cares about.

Excerpt: Paul has just come down from the glory-filled mountain of the Christ hymn, and on his way down, he has exhorted the Philippians with shining face to work out their own salvation by following Christ’s example of obedience. Jesus looked to the interests of others and became a servant, even to the point of death. Now, at the bottom of the mountain, at the end of Chapter 2, Paul sets before them Timothy and Epaphroditus, as if to say, “Here are two men who practice what I’ve been preaching. Follow them as they follow Christ.”

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