
Social technologies of care for unlearning capitalism

Mark Fabian/Cassie Thornton Season 3 Episode 2

Artist, feminist economist and activist Cassie Thornton joins ePODstemology host Mark Fabian to discuss her recent project The Hologram, a social technology for creating peer to peer care networks and unlearning capitalism. Inspired by the community health clinics of post-GFC Greece, The Hologram seeks to cultivate our capacity for caring about others in a collective, non-reciprocal, and holistic fashion. The project illustrates how the steady professionalisation, individualisation, and commercialisation of care, medical or otherwise, has eroded our sense of belonging in community, our ability to give care generously and ask for it guiltlessly, and our capacity to conceptualise our personal journeys as bound up with others. Through social technologies like The Hologram – free, amateur, and collective – Cassie explores how we can remember and relearn how to be a cooperative species and move together against the financialisation of everything.




Trailer for the movie PIG with Nicholas Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4nRpdONaAA

Genevieve Vaughan’s work on the gift economy: http://www.genevievevaughan.org/