Alert & Oriented: Conversations about God between Friends

Nurturing the Life of God in Us through Community

Sam Williamson & Gary Barkalow Season 2021 Episode 2

Healthy living has become a major emphasis of modern society. Even many middle-schoolers can tell you that a balanced, nourishing diet significantly contributes to physical and mental well-being. (Whether they care to participate in that healthy diet is a different issue.)

Likewise, there is a healthy spiritual diet that nurtures His life in us. God is at work, transforming us from one degree of glory to another; and He invites us to participate in the nourishment of the Spirit.

There may be no simpler building of His life in us than active participation in Christian community.

Simply gathering as believers magnifies His presence. We know that the life of God enters us when we give our lives to Him, but Jesus prioritizes community when he says there is a special way his presence is manifest when believers gather.

For more information about Gary or Sam visit their websites: and

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