Alert & Oriented: Conversations about God between Friends

Engaging in Situational Awareness

Sam Williamson & Gary Barkalow Season 2021 Episode 3

Scripture says every believer lives on the border between two kingdoms. But unlike the geographical border between the United States and Canada, the border between these kingdoms runs through the center of our hearts.

And these two kingdoms are in a battle to the death. Alexander Solzhenitsyn says, "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being."
On our most "spiritual" days, perhaps we recognize the spiritual forces behind the events of life, but God calls us to have a constant vigilance, an awakened awareness that even the tiniest circumstance can reflect spiritual battles:

* The kingdom of darkness enticing us toward rebellion.
 * And the Kingdom of Light drawing us into joyful submission to the One Who Loves.

James urges us to be Alert, Oriented, and Engaged, understanding the battle that rages within. He pleads with us to "resist" the devil and to "submit" to our Father. He reminds us that there is no neutrality:

Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

We continue our series on "Nurturing the Life of God in Us" as we explore a heightened vigilance and awareness of the inner spiritual battle; and we help each other remember: The battle is already won!

For more information about Gary or Sam visit their websites: