Alert & Oriented: Conversations about God between Friends

Do You Have A Transcendent Pursuit?

December 02, 2021 Sam Williamson & Gary Barkalow Season 2021 Episode 18

We want to share with you a life giving practice Gary and I created (by accident) in December 2011. It's an exciting, intentional, motivating way to begin each New Year. We've been doing it for years. In the show, we promised to write down our process, which follows:

How To Develop a Transcendent Pursuit:

First, find a friend or two (or more) who would like pursue this with you. 

Here are Gary's Questions:

  • What have you dreamed of becoming or doing?
  • Is there a craft, an artistry, a skill that you would like to gain, hone or master?
  • One year from now, looking back, what will you be so glad that you began to pursue?
  • What is that one thing that you've always wanted to try that you think could make a difference for someone or something?
  • If God said to you, "this one piece of My Kingdom is yours, now perfect and offer it", what do you think that would be?
  • What do I keep coming back to?  What keeps coming back to me?  

Sam's Questions:

  • What is God stirring in you? 
  • What has God’s activity been in your life? How can you cooperate with it? What season are you in right now?
  • What are you curious about? What is moving you?
  • What is the one truth you would love to express?
  • What are the moments in your life when you said, “That is good!”
  • What do you keep seeing? What do you keep doing that is good? What has an urgency about it?
  • All along, share your answers with your friends.

For more information about Gary or Sam visit their websites: