SHEcorporated One Step Empire
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Stick with us and week by week, step by step, you will make progress you never dreamed possible. Marketing, planning, finance, strategy, networking, social media and every corner of your business that you never have time to really dig into, we'll be covering little by little, week by week. We are here to connect, encourage, and elevate each other, as we build the businesses and lives of our dreams, for ourselves and for our families.
SHEcorporated One Step Empire
Reinvent your life and business, and use your fear as rocket fuel!
Do you ever get the feeling that you aren’t doing what you are meant to do? That you were made for more, or that something needs to change in your life and business?
Transforming your life and your business can be scary, but it can also be incredibly liberating, and helping women entrepreneurs create that change successfully is the primary focus of our guest today, life and business transformation mentor, AnYes Van Rhijn.
If you are ready to step into the life you were meant for, the life and business that finally feels exactly right, and start moving faster toward your goals, then this is the episode for you.
Today we are talking about creating a vision so clear that it acts like the GPS for your life and how to use your vision in a way that creates momentum.
We also talk about what your fears really are, how to break them down and then actually use them as fuel to move you forward instead of holding you back.
If you are ready for the life you were meant to live, then this is exactly where you need to be.
Find out more about the academy: www.successfulwomenacademy.com
Connect with AnYes: www.thereinventionmentor.biz
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Kristy: Thank you so much for being with us today, ans it's wonderful to have you.
Anyes: Thank you so much for having me Christy. I'm delighted to be here, always [00:01:00] in to share some good advice to people who are in business. We're
Kristy: so glad to have you here. Now we have some really exciting topics to cover today on one of my favorite, which is your vision, your passion, your purpose, designing your life and your business on your terms and all of those things.
But before we get to that, I would love to hear more about what led you to where you are today. Helping women build their dreams. ,
Anyes: I have to rewind quite a while. , something along the lines of, I was 40 ish. , I suddenly had that nagging feeling. There must be more to life, you know, like a lot of us can have that.
It took me a while. but I ended up deciding to completely change. I was in the corporate world at a high level. , so completely change direction. I became an executive coach in France, , doing mainly, , leadership development, change management, , et cetera for leaders, therefore, men. Mainly.[00:02:00] , and I did that for eight years.
That was in France and internationally. I did that for eight years and, um, I had that nagging feeling again, something was still not what it should be. I loved what I was doing, but what I didn't like was the fact that I was working mainly with men quite often, they hadn't asked. To be coached. And quite often I was being asked to keep it professional, not to look into anything personal and while I don't believe you can cut a person in into
And so, for me, my whole approach has always been holistic looking at all areas of your life and how they impact each other. So for me, that didn't work. I decided that. I no longer wanted to work with the corporate world and that I would instead work with, , female entrepreneurs. What led to that decision to really do it is that actually.
[00:03:00] Talking about holistic approach. My own life had fallen into pieces. I chose to leave a toxic relationship despite knowing the fact that I would lose absolutely everything. And I did, I had to move in with one of my sisters for one year. Uh, but. Instead of stepping into victim mode. I decided it was an amazing opportunity to reconsider all my choices in life and business, which was quite a challenge.
I was 57. It's not exactly the same then when you were 30 or so. And what two major decisions came out of that one was. I no longer work with the corporate world. I focus now on women entrepreneurs own me. And the second one was to move to London. My roots are Dutch, but I'm French. I've lived most of my life in France, but I've never felt home in the Netherlands.
I've never felt home in the UK, in, um, France. I decided to move to the UK with just two suitcase, no income, no savings at 58. I started my life from [00:04:00] scratch again. Well, it's never from scratch of course, because you have. Your experience that you bring with you. And I manage to rise for my ashes. And so hence the term, the reinvention mentor, although what I help my clients do, doesn't have to be the consequence of something as drastic as what I have experienced.
It's about choosing as a woman to step in the driver's seat of your life and deciding what you want to do next with your life. And therefore. Most of the time, it has an impact on business. , I don't work with women with their career unless they want to leave it to set up a business. So usually it's professional women, but either they already have a business or they are going to set up a business.
Um, for me, what drives me is I'm absolutely passionate about the fact. I believe that all [00:05:00] women should always have the power of choice, uh, more often than not. We are where we are in life, not as the consequence of our choices or as a consequence of our choices, but they were not ours. And that is what I want to help women shift is to take back control of their choices if you prefer.
And then from there, it's about. Becoming emotionally financially free, because interestingly enough, when you talk about the freedom of choice, the shortcut that is often made is it has to come from financial freedom. Yes. But not only if you're not emotionally free, the financial freedom will never follow.
There will always be some boomerang effect one way or the other mm-hmm so that's what drives me. That's what I help my clients do. It's all about helping women step in their power. And helping women dream bigger, which leads to vision and their. [00:06:00] It's
Kristy: it's. I love all of it. I love all of it. It's so beautifully aligned.
Our, our mission actually at she incorporated is helping women find freedom through success as an entrepreneur. So, absolutely exactly the same thing. Right. And freedom means something different to everybody. Um, whate whatever freedom means to you is, is what we're trying to help with. So I love all of that.
Now let's talk about having a clear vision because you say not having a vision is like leaving home for a long journey. But not putting an address in your GPS.
Anyes: So can you talk to us about that? You could lend anywhere so, yes. , well arriving in London at 58 was to suitcases, no income, no savings is pretty scary.
So at the core of what I do, is everything around knowing how to handle fear. We will come back to that because you can imagine that our woke up. You know, it's three o'clock in the morning with a panic attack here and there. , but I know how to handle fear and de deconstruct it and then leverage [00:07:00] it.
But the other thing that kept me going is I had a clear vision and I arrived with my vision and that's what keeps me going. The, the thing with vision is that I say, it's both your. Anchor and your, it helps, you know, where you are going to, , but at the same time, it's what keeps you grounded. So when you feel like giving up, this is what helps you come back.
From off track to on track again, because you know where you're going. The interesting thing with that, that whole notion of GPS, I, I love analogies is that when you are the, the, the, let me rewind what we tend to. Think is that we need to know how it's going to happen. And I say, no, you don't have to, as long as you know what your next step is and in what direction, and that's the direction of [00:08:00] your vision when you are driving in a car at night.
And you have entered an address in the GPS, even if there are roadblocks, whether it's night or not, by the way, the roadblocks can be there. You trust that your GPS, even if you were meant to go straight and now you go left, you trust that your GPS will bring you back on the right. Road. The interesting thing with the night vision is that you don't see the road, you only see the road as it unfolds.
And that's exactly the same with, you know, how am I going to make that vision work? The other thing interesting about vision and I defer. A bit here with what is usually said, you know, a, a vision board, usually it's about you picture exactly the right car or the house or the whatever. And I don't believe in that.
What is important to capture [00:09:00] is the essence of where, of what you want to achieve. And the essence means how will it make me feel? And I have, I have an interesting. Example for that. When I arrived, I had created a vision board in France, but it was a very big one. So you can imagine that it didn't fit in my two suitcases.
At some point I missed it. So I asked my sister to take a picture of it and I had it printed on phone board. So I had my vision again, and I wasn't doing any yoga, uh, but I had yoga on my vision board and. When I, at some point once I could afford going to yoga classes, which was not the, the case for a while, I realized that I yoga isn't for me, it's just not my thing, but I came across Chi.
And Chiko is totally my thing. And I mean, you can't be my client without me recommending you. [00:10:00] Chiko because it is such a wonderful combination of relaxation of breast work of exercise. And what am I missing and meditation. And then I realized that it doesn't. So I. Initially annoyed because it was you on my board, not Chico, but then I realized that the essence of what it meant is exactly the same.
So I have absolutely no problem or heads because meanwhile, I've, I've changed it because I've, I've used the software to create a gorgeous one. I. Had no problem anymore with the fact that it was yoga instead of Chico, because it meant exactly the same. And it gives you the same, the same
Kristy: feeling. So how would you represent this is completely off topic, but I'm just interested.
How would you represent that on a vision board now? Because you're trying to represent the feeling more so than the actual
Anyes: activity? Well, it's so that vision board that I had created originally had something like a sync over 50 pictures on it. Yeah. [00:11:00] And once I turned my vision workshop one day into a five week immersive online course, I partnered up with a guy who has a, an amazing software to help you create, , a vision board.
And you, you can rescale everything. You can move everything, you can add words on it, et cetera. It's absolutely gorgeous. and so I was annoyed because he had back then, if I remember, well, limited to 24 pictures, and I thought that doesn't work, I have so much more I'm going to miss and cetera. And he ended up adapting it.
I think he then went to. 36 or something like that. And I started creating my vision board and I have less than 24 on my vision board because I just captured the essence of what each area in fact meant. And so for Chi Kong, I just have, the image of a woman. [00:12:00] It's a woman, , doing Chi. And that's enough.
I know, I know what it means to me. That is what is important. , in the center, I have added the text that, , I, I love that I I've made it mine, but it's from Brendan Burchard who says that at the end of the life it's of your life, it's only the answer to three questions that are important. Did I live, did I love did I matter?
So in the center of it, it just says live love matter. That's the essence of what I want to capture for my life. So I have examples like that. I don't have the, an exact house or whatever. It's more the spirit of how I want to live. So yeah. It's so, so what I do with my vision course, whether that is interesting, that's what makes it particular is that I, I have them start first, look at, look at what is working, what is not working in the life.
You need to know what [00:13:00] your starting point is and, and, and why want something completely different for the things that are working, but then you identify also what is missing. They start looking at that, then I, I have them look at who do I wanna be? What do I wanna do? What do I want to have? And then from there I have them write their vision in full details in all areas of their life.
And if I remember well, per day, it's two areas. , and so it's. Present tense in the future, of course, but present tense, , involving all your senses. So if you're talking about being at a retreat in Bali, you can feel the, the worms of the sun on your skin. I mean, you really express so what they are doing.
With that. And, and with that process, we're already a week in, um, they are without realizing it, creating the imagery at a subconscious level so [00:14:00] that when they then start looking for the pictures that they're gathering for that software, they are naturally drawn to the pictures they already know without knowing that they.
And, and then, and then we, you know, go further into, looking into what is going to stop them. Fear, of course. So then I teach them how to identify fear, to construct and leverage it. , then we look at, , how can I stay connected to it? So that has everything to do with, , affirmations, , daily routine journaling, et cetera, , and also, mindset and posture.
How, how would I walk if I were my future, me, you know, makes it immediately different. , and then we do a brainstorm and a three year plan one year plan one, , 90 day plan. And we end up to, what am I working on today? So that, that then turns into time and priority management and, , how to stay intentional [00:15:00] and focused, which leads to the four pillars of my work.
Kristy: That's that's brilliant. I mean, so, so many people do the vision board and first of all, they, they do the vision board, but they don't think about how they want to feel with each of those images. And
Anyes: it's all about feeling, it's all about feeling. And then they just
Kristy: put it on the wall and they don't, they don't do anything further with it.
And it's not gonna work if you don't and you've got all of the angles covered
Anyes: there. I love that. Yeah. I. Incredible results. Um, uh, it's, it's funny because I spoke to someone, , this morning totally unrelated, but she happens to know one person who has done my course. And she said to me, oh, and yes, I had Adele.
And in a 15 minute call, she's been talking at least three or four times about how, , life changing it had been for her and how much she, and I mean, I follow her. She it's incredible. Everything that she's, uh, achieved. It is, it is transformational. If you do the work properly, of course, as you as usual. [00:16:00]
Kristy: So you mentioned it again and let's, let's talk about it before we, before we move on to the four pillars, you talk about using fear as a fuel.
So can you tell us more about that?
Anyes: Fear is whether we know it or not. Fear is ruling our life, every single one of us. And it will until our last breath. , so we have to accept it, but, , we don't have to let it paralyze us. So. When I, I, I run workshops on that. , when I ex when I start, I start first by explaining the role of here it's normal.
It's it? There to protect us, except that we no longer have a lion ready to jump on us at the next corner. But the reaction of our primal brain is still the same as when that was. So the role of our [00:17:00] subconscious mind is to protect us from danger, except that. It translates into danger. Anything that it has never experienced before.
So everything new, it equals danger. And what it then does is does everything it gets to stop us. Ah, don't do this, this, and that can translate into many ways. And those many disguises can be stuff like procrastination. Perfectionism, , you know, that, that type of things. So the very first thing to do is to identify that we're operating from a place of fear and what is interesting to know as well.
And I know that that made a huge difference for me is that your mind can only focus on one thing at a time. I'm not talking about multitasking. I really talk about focus. So when you are focusing on fear, And you don't do anything for it. [00:18:00] You give it the room to inflate and it inflates and it inflates and it inflates until it paralyzes you.
And then it's too late. Quote unquote, there are ways, but , it's, it's it's too far. The key here is to identify at an earlier stage when it hasn't taken up that much space that you are operating from a place of fear. And then I give two different. Advice one is first to identify and, and once you have done it a few times, you don't need to do it anymore because you will know is to identify that ultimately it is going back to very, very basic needs that we human beings have.
So that what that means is that. So let's imagine that I need to do a talk and I'm afraid that I won't remember what I have to say. So that is the appearance fear I [00:19:00] would then. So I would ask you, what are you afraid of? Oh, I'm afraid I would lose. I won't remember what I have to say. And then I will, I will help you dig, dig deeper.
So if you are losing your words, what are you afraid of? Oh, people will think that I don't know what I'm talking about. Oh. But if people don't, , think you, you don't know what you're talking about, what you are afraid of. And we drill down until we arrive to our. All our unique, , our basic human needs.
I'm afraid that I will be rejected. I'm afraid that I won't be loved. I'm afraid that type of things. So. That I do a few times, because once you start understanding that that is what is underneath, you don't have to do it each time, but then you are going to come back to the, appearance, , fear and you are then going to deconstruct it and deconstructing it.
It means finding counter proof. So let's assume [00:20:00] that you did a talk in the past and it was very successful. So you will look at okay. And last time when I did it, how did it work? Oh, it was amazing, et cetera, you know, that type of things. And by the way, I didn't give you my. Very simple definition of fear.
You, you, you know, the acronym, everyone knows the acronym. FDA are, , false evidence appearing real. I have a very simple definition. Fear is nothing more than the anticipation of something that might happen, but that probably won't, it's not a fact. It's. A movie that we're making in our mind and we all do it.
So you deconstruct it. And then there are different type of fears because this is here in this case, a fear that directly links to you. But, , if we look at money beliefs, for instance, oh, in my family, I've always heard that rich people are greedy. , if that is the type of [00:21:00] fear that stops you from not becoming successful.
The way to deconstruct it is to then, um, look for counter proof by looking at, okay, find rich people who are actually doing good with their money. So the, the key is to deconstruct it once you've deconstructed it, deconstructed it by doing that, you have brought the focus, the attention of your mind that was focusing on the fear on something else.
It has lowered that impact. And then the antidote to fear is. So then you take focused action because focused again, when you're fo if you're focused on that, you're not focusing on the fear and how often have we started something that we dreaded and then we go like, oh my God, was that all there was because once we, once a ball gets rolling, we just do it.
And it's not a problem at all. So that's in [00:22:00] short. The structure to identify and deconstruct, , fear. And by doing that, you then leverage it as a few because you are now taking an action that you were too afraid to take. And it's not you it's normal, it's human, but you have shortened the timeframe. In which you were experiencing the fear, so it doesn't have the time to inflate.
So it's still, it's still scary, but once you've done it, you've done it.
Kristy: The fear of the unknown is, is the
Anyes: fear of the unknown. It's the fear of the unknown. Absolutely. Yeah. And again, it's normal. So no reason to beat ourselves up but don't stay with it. That's
Kristy: amazing. Now it, it, you've got a four pillar framework, , that you teach.
And if we've got enough time, I would love to quickly run through those because I think this is a lot of value
Anyes: there. So there is a difference between, ,my [00:23:00] pillars and my framework. Okay. The, what the pillars are underlying my work, my four pillars are self-awareness. You cannot change something. You're not aware of.
Once you are aware of something that is when you can go to the second pillar. And that is making conscious choices. As I said, we are all where we are in life as the consequence of our choices, except that more often than not, they were not ours. So. What are different choices you would start making if it were not because daddy or mommy said you should, or society is, is, you know, putting pressure on you.
I started as an executive coach and although I work on business and I'm very good at it at the core of what I do is actually life coaching, because it's all about mindset, confidence, clarity, and that type of thing. So [00:24:00] it's really. That part, but I did, I went for executive coach because everyone said I should do it because I had 25 years, , of senior ex , senior level experience in the corporate world.
But it wasn't what I wanted to do. So even then I was still not making my own choices. So, um, self-awareness conscious choices. And from there it's intention and focus. So I set an intention every day. I have designed, an empowerment planner. Well, you can see them on the shelf there. The, the teal books I have, , designed an empowerment planner.
That is the, the companion book of my work, but every day, There is in it just room for listing your appointments because I have everything in my phone. I don't need it on paper. , and I set an intention for my day. I list my gratitudes, but not [00:25:00] mechanically. I, I just write down a keyword, but the moment I write down that keyword, I connect to how it makes me feel.
So I'm really writing my gut gratitudes. My todo is only what I'm going to work on that day. So that at the end of the day, I have the satisfaction of saying check, check, check, as opposed to, oh my God. I still have so much to do because I listed far too much for the day. Not only way
Kristy: I could have made it, that's still a work in progress for me.
And, and it, it makes such a difference. I cuz I did, I did that. I, I used to call it scheduling aggressively and I would put on a good 50% more than I had time to do. It, it doesn't make you feel good at the end of the day
Anyes: when you always no. And, and you know, every, another, another thing that I work a lot with is energy.
Not, I'm not a heal, but, but the notion of energy every single day, we have a hundred percent of energy. One day it's a lot, one day it's not, but it's still is a hundred percent of what [00:26:00] we have. So what do we want to focus that energy on, on things that we can do something about? So Don. Look at the things you can change.
It's useless. That's a waste of your, your energy. So it's really important that your energy remains as high as possible. So that I always say, if you start your inten your, your day with a high level of vibration, the chances that you end up on your knees, if something knocks you down in the day is far less.
, how do you say that far less, , probable. Is that English? Yeah. Yeah. Like likely that's what I meant then if you are already on your knees, because your vibration is so low, so stay intentional second intent for the day. And then at the end of the day, you, you ask yourself three questions. It's not a.
Questions of Brendan is what worked well. We tend to beat ourself up for everything we doing wrong. [00:27:00] Take stock of what works. So what did I do? Well, what, what was, what was successful today can be small sake. Maybe big thing. The next thing is what was challenging. So not what did I do wrong? What was challenging?
And that thing you found challenging that might be, , oh, I said that I would work on my website and I haven't. And then the reason why that will come up is BS. I didn't have the time. That's not true. If you didn't make the time, it means it wasn't a priority. If it were a priority, you would've made the time.
So it's never the true reason. So then you can ask yourself the third question and that is what can I improve? And that is about not beating yourself up because you didn't do something. Even if the excuse was not the right one, et cetera, but ask yourself, how can I get on track again? What can I do? So I always say [00:28:00] to my clients, be a little Edison, invent a new limbo every day and look at what worked and what didn't work, and then adapt.
And create a new limbo the next day. So by doing that, you remain intentional and focused, and it's also about then learning to remove the distractions, fear of missing out and that type of things, , shiny object syndrome. All these are things that will direct us elsewhere. I always say again, it's interesting.
I'm realizing that it's again, the answer there's three ways to answer a question. And coming back to the vision. Is this going to help me achieve my vision? And there are only three possible answers. One is yes. Go for it. Second is not now park it, but outta sight so that you are not tempted. And the third one is no Bennett.
Simple, very [00:29:00] simple. And if you do that, it's not always easy. Of course sounds easy the way I describe it, but, but, you know, , I mean, even when you are good at these things, I'm, I'm, I'm really good at these things. Don't get me wrong. I'm a normal human being. I go off track regularly, but I know how to bring myself back on track because I am intentional and focused.
Kristy: Yeah. And just, just, even stepping back and analyzing, it puts you miles ahead of where you were before, you know, just taking that step back. And at the end of the day, I love those questions because you're taking the emotion out of it. You're looking at it like a scientist, right? You're looking at it analytically and saying, what worked, what didn't work, not what did I do wrong?
Or, you know, why shouldn't I do this?
Anyes: No, it's not about, there's no such a thing as failure. There's only, only, , opportunities for. For learning. Um, and so what's interesting is that it, it, it's funny that you express it this way about the scientists, et cetera, is [00:30:00] what is particular with the way I work with my clients is that I bring the best of two worlds.
So to Dutch in me is organized systems, tools, be pragmatic, et cetera, but I'm a very firm believer in the low of attraction in neurosciences, in quantum physics, et cetera. So I'm, I, I. Have tools to know how to make decisions, et cetera. But I use them only to validate my gut feeling because I follow my intuition completely in everything I'm doing.
And I don't believe that we can be only down to earth, completely grounded. And not have any form of dream or whatever, but I don't believe that you can only be in the woo woo world. And you know, they're in the air and not be grounded. I think you need both. Yeah. And that is, that is what I do in my own life.
That is what I bring to my clients. I bring the best of two worlds together. You need both.
Kristy: And we tend as humans. I think we [00:31:00] tend to compartment com try and compartmentalize things. We want things to be neat and tidy and, and that's not how it works. Get a little bit of everything in there. No, I
Anyes: mean, the, the framework that I use the foresee is, , is, uh, clarifi clear, create consolidate, , so clarifies taking stock of where you are, uh, what is important to you and where do you want to be?
So that is, , Step that is bringing you from confusion to clarity. Then the clearing part is removing everything that stands in the way. So that's going from limitation to possibilities, and that is everything around, , your mindset, how you relate to money and success, , communication and relationships, that type of things.
Then it's creating the business that is aligned with who you are. So the notion of personal branding and the constant. Part is how do you make sure that all of that is sustainable? So that is where we look at self care, work, life balance, but also personal effectiveness tools. How can I delegate, , systems automation and et [00:32:00] cetera?
So you see it's it's, it is a mix. So one of the reason why it, it has taken me so long to put this program together.
Is that every day I was waking up with a, oh, this needs to be before that the, the, the Dutch in me structured. So that had to be a logic and it doesn't work like that because everything is interlinked and. I have clients where I start with the money. I have clients where I start with, uh, the, the business.
I have other clients where I start with the relationship. We end up going through all the points, but not necessarily in that order, because depending on where we at in life, It's not necessarily in the same order. So it's, it's bringing in that flexibility, but all the steps are important. Yeah. It's not always neat and tidy.
Kristy: so before we let you go, anus, I just wanted to ask you, [00:33:00] because you have a wealth of, of experience in, , in helping women entrepreneurs. And we have a lot of newer women entrepreneurs that, that listen to the podcast. What advice would you give to somebody? Starting their business or in the first few years of their business?
Anyes: Well, ,I would say there's a lot, I would say, but, , the very first thing is don't let anyone tell you your dream is impossible. So remove from your environment as, as far as possible. Of course, , all the naysayers. The naysayers are in essence, two type of people, either the people who, uh, care for you sincerely, and they're afraid for you, or they're jealous, they are en endless because you're doing what they would love to do.
And, and they don't so remove them and surround yourself with like-minded people, people who are, that's why this notion of community is so important. That is why, you know, being in masterminds or groups, et cetera. Of people who are working on the same type of things is [00:34:00] so, so important. The other thing I would say is learn to accept what is don't waste your energy on fighting things that you cannot change.
That's wasted energy that you don't have anymore to focus on what you can change. Then, , I'm tempted to say that skills, you can learn skills. It's far more difficult to shift your mindset without you can be. You can have the best techniques in the world. If your mindset is not the right one, it won't work.
And, uh, and then of course, Have a clear vision, know where you want to go. And it's very interesting. If you follow a process, like I described it because I've described it in sufficient detail for you to be able to do it on your own, you don't have to follow my course. You can, of course, but you don't have to.
It is, even if you don't know, you will know. because I'm not asking you [00:35:00] just in one hour to come up with your vision, it's an immersive process. So don't try to do it all in one, go pick it up every single day. You want to be immersed in it every day. And you know how the mind doesn't like unanswered questions.
If you start thinking about that, The mind will start looking for answers. But so if you do that over the span of a longer period, you will find answers. You will find answers and that's life changing.
Kristy: Well, I really appreciate, , you being with us today for starters and giving us some inspiration on, you know, start starting to build a life.
That's more clearly focused on what we really want. , it's amazing. Now you have a couple of programs that you run. You wanna tell us about those before we sign?
Anyes: So I would say in particular, if your audience is one at the more beginning of their journey, I would say, , my successful women academy, um, platform.[00:36:00]
So it is a web. App portal. So fingertips it's on your phone. It's on, it's on available on, on your computer as well, but it's on the phone. It's an app. And what is interesting there? So what is particular with women entrepreneur in particular is that it's so much more difficult for them to be successful than for men because they have a little more in their life to do than a men in general.
And so. What they are struggling with is not only how do I dis or that in my business, but how do I run my life? How do I manage to do both? And how do I grow in parallel? So personal development and my own frustration, again, as a person who. Structure practical, et cetera. That aspect of my personality, I personally always had the frustration.
Oh, if I want to clarity, I need to go to clarity coach. If I want confidence, I need to go to confidence. Coach. If I need business, I need to [00:37:00] go to business coach. And I always thought, why can't I find it all in one place? And that is what I have created. And I'm a woman of collaboration. So what I have done is I have.
Over 70 experts in their field, in business, in life, in personal development to deliver content that is foundational at the, at the foundational level. Of all these topics. So it's not a course. It's you come and shop what you need when you need it. So do you want to set up a podcast? Are you struggling with parenting? There is an amazing course on, , Basics for parenting. There is another course on sign language for, , babies before they express the be before they talk.
There's another one on, , mindfulness for parents so that they teach mindfulness to their parents, but there is another. Course on dating, , because we are women we're complete. We have a whole [00:38:00] life. And so all these things are conditioning us. , depending on your audience, it may be less true depending on their age level.
There is, , a module on perimenopause menopause because that can stand in the way as well, et cetera. Cetera. So , it's a membership site to paper months. You can leave whenever you want. , there is a seven day trial,, it's called successful women academy. And it is a, a platform that continues to grow because we continue to add constantly content there as I come across experts, , in their fields.
, so that, that is that then you have my vision course. That's a five week immersive course, as I said, , that can be found on my, , on my website. Uh, the, the reinvention mentor dot.
Kristy: We're gonna put both of those links in the show notes as well. So, , you can click down the show notes.
If you're listening on a platform where you can't see the show notes, which you can't on. Some of them, you can also go to our podcast website, which is one step empire.com. Just the name of the podcast. One [00:39:00] step empire.com and all the links are going to be there. All the show notes, all the other episodes, everything you need is gonna be there.
So thank you so much for being with us today. Anus. It was, , so many takeaways from today. I can't even summarize it. I really appreciate you
Anyes: being here. It's a pleasure. I, I never can stop sharing. , I it's so important women step into your power. You can do it.
Kristy: absolutely. Thank you so much. You're
Anyes: welcome.
It was a pleasure