Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity of Expectations - EP41

August 29, 2022 Rakesh Mathuria Season 1 Episode 41
Clarity of Expectations - EP41
Let's Talk Clarity
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Let's Talk Clarity
Clarity of Expectations - EP41
Aug 29, 2022 Season 1 Episode 41
Rakesh Mathuria

Clarity of Expectations

Do you know what is the root cause of our hard times, tough life or difficult situations, it is the expectations and then it differs from reality. 

This is going to be a 6 episode series for life fulfilment and to escape from our own matrix. This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji which is delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E - 

In which he shared 6 important points to manoeuvre this life , which is sometimes, tough, difficult, sometimes, challenging & difficult. This whole concept is Expectations Success Comparison Appreciation Principles & Endurance, I will be sharing these points one by one in this 6 episode series, let's start with Expectations.

For any career transformation, productivity and life fulfilment guidance reach Rakesh Mathuria at  - https://www.rakeshmathuria.com

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For any career transformation, productivity and life fulfilment guidance reach Rakesh Mathuria at - https://www.rakeshmathuria.com

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Clarity Call

Join my VIP Facebook group - Career Transformation Hub

Click here for free ebook for 5 tips for managing time and be super productive - FREE EBOOK

Show Notes Transcript

Clarity of Expectations

Do you know what is the root cause of our hard times, tough life or difficult situations, it is the expectations and then it differs from reality. 

This is going to be a 6 episode series for life fulfilment and to escape from our own matrix. This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji which is delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E - 

In which he shared 6 important points to manoeuvre this life , which is sometimes, tough, difficult, sometimes, challenging & difficult. This whole concept is Expectations Success Comparison Appreciation Principles & Endurance, I will be sharing these points one by one in this 6 episode series, let's start with Expectations.

For any career transformation, productivity and life fulfilment guidance reach Rakesh Mathuria at  - https://www.rakeshmathuria.com

To book free Clarity Call -
Clarity Call

Join my VIP Facebook group - Career Transformation Hub

Click here for free ebook for 5 tips for managing time and be super productive - FREE EBOOK

For any career transformation, productivity and life fulfilment guidance reach Rakesh Mathuria at - https://www.rakeshmathuria.com

To book free Clarity Call -
Clarity Call

Join my VIP Facebook group - Career Transformation Hub

Click here for free ebook for 5 tips for managing time and be super productive - FREE EBOOK

Do you know what is the root cause of our hard times, tough life or difficult situations, it is the expectations and then it differs from reality. 

Everyone wants something, everyone wants to go somewhere, everyone wants to achieve something, that means everyone has expectations from everyone, however, most of the expectations do not meet reality, there is always a gap, between expectations & reality, and that's the trap, this gap is the trap of life. 

Lets decode how to process expectations & the gap, how to process this gap or trap between reality & expectations. 

Welcome back to another episode of let's talk clarity, please feel free to join my VIP facebook group and visit my website - rakeshmathuria.com. Or reach out to me for any career advice,  office productivity, time management & how to get life fulfilment while doing a job. Fix a clarity call with me, the link is in the description.

This is going to be a 6 episode series for life fulfilment and to escape from our own matrix. This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji which is delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E - 

In which he shared 6 important points to manoeuvre this life , which is sometimes, tough, difficult, sometimes, challenging & difficult. This whole concept is Expectations Success Comparison Appreciation Principles & Endurance, I will be sharing these points one by one in this 6 episode series, let's start with Expectations.

We all have expectations from everyone, we expect life to shape up in a certain way. We expect people to behave or respond in a certain way. We expect circumstances in a certain way. We expect family members to take the career of our choice, we expect Boss to behave in a certain way, subordinate to work as per our expectations. This happens the whole day, every hour , every moment, we expect something & most of the time it differs from reality. 

We expect some one to behave in a certain way, but he or she respond in opposite way, we expect less traffic, we expect cab to come early, we expect maid to come on time, we expect boss to understand our personal circumstances, we expect customer to understand production variables, however there is always a gap between expectations and reality, There is always a gap 

And some of the rare cases expectations match with reality and sometimes exceeds reality, most of times it is short of reality, and this gap is root cause of all suffering, 

We have Expectations from our spouse, boss, customers, clients, friends, siblings, from strangers, from life and we expect from ourselves also. 

Now comes the questions, how to bridge this Gap, how to process these expectations and this reality gap. It is very simple - apply JAM

whenever there is some gap between expectations & reality, apply JAM, Yes the same JAM which you apply on breads, 

J -  Jump to next expectations - jump to next job, next work, next milestone, understand that there will always be this gap, so whenever you find there is gap between your expectations and reality, just jump to next expectations, don't crib about previous reality & gap. 

A - Accept it - Accept that there will always be the gap, there is no way you can remove the gap, accept this fact. 

M - Move on - Move on in your mind, Don’t waste your energy in bridging the gap between reality & expectations. This I shared in my previous episodes also, just analyse, the gap between expectations & reality will not affect in the longer run, after one year or 3 years, the traffic, the boss, the behaviour, the circumstances which you bother, will have almost nil affect in the longer run, if you zoom out, most of the gaps does not affect your life now,  

You are making your mind flexible by applying this JAM. First understand where the gap is, in your mind, so you have to remove it from your mind, make your mind flexible by applying JAM. 

Jump to next 

Accept the reality

Move on with the life. 

This is Jam for the Gap of expectations & reality, always apply JAM. Please Feel free to reach out to me if you are having any doubt or want any clarity on life , career, relationship & fulfilment. That was clarity of expectations and the next episode will be a success.