All Things Aviation & Aerospace

They Just Happen to be Women: Female Military Helicopter Aviators with Diverse Academic Backgrounds from Microbiology to English Literature to History. Who knew?

Vincent Season 1 Episode 41

Meet four women helicopter pilots and a Special Missions Aviator from all five branches of military service. While their backgrounds and education vary widely from an english lit major, to microbiology and history, they are all very accomplished helicopter pilots who can fly the heck out of the most sophisticated helicopters in the Coast Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force,and Marines.

Our aviation professionals panel will include Lieutenant Catherine Durand, Coast Guard Helicopter Pilot; Chief Warrant Officer, Kristen Blumberg, Georgia National Guard Helicopter Pilot and Instructor; Lieutenant Maria Regis, Navy Helicopter Pilot and Instructor; Major Brittany Webster, Marine Corp Helicopter Pilot and Instructor; Captain Katherine Danno, Air Force Flight Commander and Helicopter Pilot; and Airman First Class, Jodi Miller, Air Force Special Missions Aviator.

All Things Aviation & Aerospace is an aviation career-oriented webcast hosted and moderated by Vince Mickens, a long time private pilot who flies frequently for business as well as personal. His background includes private aviation executive roles with (NBAA) the National Business Aviation Association, (AOPA) the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, and the Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation, all after a 28-year television and radio broadcast journalism career in seven major markets nationwide.

All Things Aviation & Aerospace is also available on my Private Air Media YouTube Channel, Facebook Live Page, and Linkedin Profile.

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