Libraries Lead!
Libraries Lead! is a provocative podcast about all things information & library hosted by Beth Patin (Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse U), Dave Lankes (Professor, iSchool, U of Texas), and Mike Eisenberg (Dean/Professor Emeritus, iSchool, U of Washington). Information age opportunities and challenges affect every aspect of human existence. We wrestle with such topics as social justice, political unrest, mis- and dis-information, kids, family and adult living; education and learning; work, employment, training and jobs; recreation, entertainment, and play; disasters & emergency preparedness with a focus on libraries & information science, services, and systems. 4 segments in approx. 1 hour: WAZZUP, AI WATCH, MAIN TOPIC, and AWESOME LIBRARY THINGY. For Resources & References for All Episodes please go to: https://tinyurl.com/libleadresources
Libraries Lead!
Episode 16 (March 2022): FACEBOOK: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
Episode 16: FACEBOOK: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
March 2022
Beth Patin, Dave Lankes, & Mike Eisenberg
This episode continues our conversation about social media. We zero in on the 800 lb gorilla – make that the 1.6 BILLION pound gorilla that dominates social media, FACEBOOK. That’s 1.6 billion because over 1.6 BILLION people (on average) visit Facebook every day. Listen in as we unravel this information age phenomenon.
For References & Resources Visit us at
For References & Resources of All Episodes Visit us at