Libraries Lead!
Libraries Lead! is a provocative podcast about all things information & library hosted by Beth Patin (Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse U), Dave Lankes (Professor, iSchool, U of Texas), and Mike Eisenberg (Dean/Professor Emeritus, iSchool, U of Washington). Information age opportunities and challenges affect every aspect of human existence. We wrestle with such topics as social justice, political unrest, mis- and dis-information, kids, family and adult living; education and learning; work, employment, training and jobs; recreation, entertainment, and play; disasters & emergency preparedness with a focus on libraries & information science, services, and systems. 4 segments in approx. 1 hour: WAZZUP, AI WATCH, MAIN TOPIC, and AWESOME LIBRARY THINGY. For Resources & References for All Episodes please go to: https://tinyurl.com/libleadresources
Libraries Lead!
Episode 30 (February 2024): INFORMATION Everywhere All At Once
Information and technology are a ubiquitous part of our lives. We cannot escape. Many of us walk around with multiple devices, receiving hundreds of notifications, emails, alerts, texts each day. Much like the 2022 film Everything Everywhere All at Once we are all navigating a multiverse of devices and information sources. We used to talk about and experience the world in real life (IRL) through our digital presences. But is it now the opposite? Do we experience our lives digitally more than in the real world? Does real life exist without the digital nowadays?
According to Truelist, in 2023, the average US smartphone user receives 46 app push notifications per day.* Collectively, an estimated 333 billion emails and 34 billion texts are sent and received today the average person is spending 2 hours and 24 minutes on social media while for teens in the US, the average is double that - 4.8 hours.
iExhausted? iOverwhelmed and scared as hell? We are too. So, In this episode we are going to take a deep breath, reflect on the situation and share our own practices and strategies, life hacks if you will, for developing healthier habits around our technology use. And of course, we emphasize how libraries can help too.
*NOTE: The sources for any statistics, facts, or quotes offered are listed on the Libraries Lead Resources Website.
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