Why Wait When You Have Now

Sailing Through Time (With Tim & Billy)

Justin Season 1 Episode 9

This interview was very powerful as we all realized the importance of our time here on this earth and the importance of following your heart and your passion, because one day we will all be gone. Thank you to all of my viewers I am truly grateful for the continued support. If you are interested on being on the podcast or just have any questions comments or concerns about it, you can email me directly at whywaitwhenyouhavenow@gmail.com! If you would like to be apart of this goal to change the world in a positive way, email me, we are going to be organizing events to help clean up the world and change the world in a positive way. I believe if we unite people together on this earth for the cause of the greater good, together we can change the world in a way it has never been done before and together we can change the world in a positive way for everyone including you! Why Wait When You Have Now, together we can change the world. Also if you want to support the goal in any way, we have merchandise that we are slowly but surely working on perfecting and the best way to support us is by purchasing our merchandise. Once again thank you for your support and I support any and all feedback! Have a wonderful rest of your day.

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