Wish I Knew . . .

#62a Ling Chung - Career Pivot to Uber / Interviewing Process / Thoughtful Career Change

Gary Nowak Season 2 Episode 62

This recording is again with Ling Chung who you heard from in the previous week's episode #62.  Ling went through a career pivot and we though it would be helpful and insightful to share with our listeners as you'll hear there is a such rich advice throughout. 

Loyal "wish I knew" listener / Making a career change / Generalist vs specialist / The Mess Exterminator / Being pragmatic about her next role / Hundreds of applications sent out / Interviewing with 7 companies at one time / It doesn't always have to be about "who" you know / Great advice on looking for another job / Knowing her passion and preparing for it / Landing a job at Uber / Wanting a GM role in the future, rounded experience / Finding a new job is an emotional process / Show up daily and do the work / Imposter syndrome and reverse mentoring

Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!