The Sustainable Past

The Sustainable Past: Episode Three: The Ancient Tiber River with Dr. Andrea Brock

April 29, 2021 Patricia Baker and Giacomo Savani Season 1 Episode 3

Dr. Andrea Brock speaks about her environmental archaeological work on the Tiber River during the early foundations of ancient Rome.

Dr. Brock is the Director of the Center for Ancient Environmental Studies at the University of St. Andrews. She is an environmental archaeologist with particular expertise in historical ecology and palaeolandscape reconstruction. Her current work integrates the literary record on early Rome with geoarchaeological evidence, in order to produce an environmental and topographical reconstruction of Rome’s river valley. She is director of the Forum Boarium Project, where she worked on a coring survey of the city’s original river harbour and harbour sanctuary.  One of her recent publications is “On the Banks of the Tiber: Opportunity and Transformation in Early Rome” for the Journal of Roman Studies and she is the PI for the a newly awarded Leverhulme Fellowship that explores Rome’s Riverine Landscape.

Artwork: Sunset by Dr. Giacomo Savani

Music: Music: played by Daniel Veesey  Sonata 8 Pathetique III Rondo Allegro, Beethoven. Royalty Free for public use from Pixabay  <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=music&amp;utm_content=8">Pixabay</a>