Reclaim your power: inspiration and reflections for pregnancy, childbirth and beyond

Episode 6: No pain no gain? Understanding pain during childbirth

Fungisai Gwanzura Ottemöller Season 1 Episode 7

Pain during childbirth is one of the things many women dread, especially those who are having their first child. There is so much misinformation out there that scares us - what we see portrayed on TV or in the movies, the stories other people tell us. But is there more to this? Does this pain have a role to play? Can we and should we avoid experiencing pain?  Can we change our relationship with the pain we experience as we birth our children? In this episode, I reflect on these questions and present an alternative way to understand pain, as well as tips on how to cope with it. I reflect on how changing our attitudes towards pain during childbirth is another way for us to reclaim our power and to lead us to experience gentler births.

In this episode I refer to the book ' Ina May Gaskin's  Guide to Childbirth' by Ina May Gaskin. I highly recommend it as she discusses the issues I touch on in this podcast in more detail.

Podcast artwork: Photo by Kumaran Pondicherry Photography; Styling by Become

Podcast artwork: Photo by Kumaran Pondicherry Photography; Styling by Become