Reclaim your power: inspiration and reflections for pregnancy, childbirth and beyond

Episode 10: Falling in love...

July 11, 2021 Fungisai Gwanzura Ottemöller Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode I reflect on what happens in the third stage of birth with the delivery of the placenta and the cutting of the umbilical cord.  We dont often think about or pay too much attention to these processes because once our baby's born we are too caught up in the joy and awe of this moment, fair enough! However, what happens during this stage and how it is handled is important to both the baby and mother's well being and is worth paying attention to.

Useful references:  
 'Gentle birth, gentle mothering' by Sarah J. Buckley
 'Ina May's Guide to Childbirth' by Ina May Gaskin

Podcast artwork: Photo by Kumaran Pondicherry Photography; Styling by Become

Podcast artwork: Photo by Kumaran Pondicherry Photography; Styling by Become