Reclaim your power: inspiration and reflections for pregnancy, childbirth and beyond

Season 2 Ep 1: A conversation with Sarifa Moola-Nærnes

Fungisai Gwanzura Ottemöller Season 2 Episode 1

My first guest in this second season of my podcast is Sarifa Moola-Nærnes, a South African mother, wife, Anti-racist, Afrikan feminist, Relationship, Teams and Individual Coach, Speaker, Facilitator and Trainer.  Sarifa is the founder and director of Ubuntu Coaching AS in Norway. Her company offers relationship and team coaching – individually or in groups, self-awareness women’s retreats and Afrikan women’s Sankofa retreats, Diversity, Inclusion and Ubuntu Training and motivational workshops.

In our conversation, Sarifa shares her pregnancy and birth, and postpartum experiences. She reflects on how she has drawn on her cultural heritage during these periods. We talk about fear, consent, self-care, and the importance of having a support system, among other topics. This open and honest conversation shows why I respect and admire Sarifa and consider her a phenomenal woman.

Podcast artwork: Photo by Kumaran Pondicherry Photography; Styling by Become