Optimal neuro|spine

Episode 9: Treating Paralysis. A Conversation with Dr. Susan Harkema

Maxwell Boakye, MD MPH Episode 9

One of the leading scientists researching treatments for paralysis and spinal cord injury is Dr. Susan Harkema. Her work has led to multiple breakthroughs that led to improved function and quality of life for patients that were previously deemed impossible. On this episode, I invite Dr. Harkema to discuss those discoveries, how they came about, and the future of treating paralysis.

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...

  • Dr. Harkema’s background and training [1:20]
  • An overview of paralysis and spinal cord injury [4:35]
  • Non-pharmacological approaches to treating paralysis [10:12]
  • Dr. Harkema’s groundbreaking study on neuromodulation through epidural stimulation [15:24]
  • Redefining the possibilities for paralysis recovery [19:28]
  • Other benefits of epidural stimulation [23:56]
  • Overcoming technological limitations and pioneering the future of paralysis treatment [29:09]
  • What Dr. Harkema believes is missing from spinal cord injury care [32:04]
  • The future of epidural stimulation in the treatment of spinal cord injury [34:02]

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Dr. Susan Harkema

Connect With Maxwell Boakye

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