Optimal neuro|spine

Episode 16: Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Research. A Conversation with Dr. Andrea Behrman

January 15, 2022 Maxwell Boakye, MD MPH Episode 16

Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2022 by shedding light on an area of research that isn’t talked about enough: pediatric spinal cord injury. Most spinal cord injury conversations revolve around adults, but children also suffer from injury and face unique challenges in both treatment and research. Thankfully, my guest, Dr. Andrea Behrman is leading the way for both! We discuss her work, her breakthroughs, the current state of pediatric spinal cord injury treatment, and what the future looks like for this vitally important field. 

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...

  • Getting to know Dr. Andrea Behrman and her work [1:01] 
  • Why Dr. Behrman’s work is so important [7:36]
  • The epidemiology of pediatric spinal cord injury [11:46]
  • The quality of life for kids with spinal cord injury [13:30]
  • Taking a closer look at initial care for pediatric spinal cord injury [21:43]
  • Dr. Behrman looks back at her accomplishments over three decades [25:19]
  • The challenges of pediatric spinal cord injury treatment and research [32:48]
  • Looking at the future of pediatric spinal cord injury treatment [38:13] 
  • A message of hope for parents and physicians of kids with spinal cord injury [40:38]
  • Training the next generation and the magic wand question [43:42]

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Dr. Andrea Behrman

Connect With Maxwell Boakye

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