Empowered Conversations

Community Empowerment Hour on the Concept of "Perception" with Yogesh Kapoor and Marco Governali!

Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 3 Episode 11

In this Extra Special Empowering Conversation, Yogesh, Marco and I discuss the concept of "Perception" and how your "Perception" creates your reality, moment by moment. You CAN NOT get away from creating your reality no matter who or where you are! 
 We are literally moment by moment doing it allllll the time!! Your "Perception" can create JOY, more happiness, elated excitement, and FullFillment or it can create misery, lack, distraught and more and more painful experiences in your life! 
 What do you WANT?! You get what you focus on... Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, either way, you are right!!!!
 Take a listen to this truly Empowering Conversation and decide for yourself. 
 You Do Have The Power To Create The Life You Desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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