Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/Psychic Medium and Channel

April 04, 2022 Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 4 Episode 2

Well this weeks episode of Empowered Conversations is So Much FUN!!!! My very special guest is Angela Crease Hess!!

Angela is also one of the 13 Speakers at out upcoming Ultimate Quantum Retreat, taking place the weekend of May 13th - 15th in Tucson AZ!! If you can't join the Wonderfulness in person, we have a Zoom ticket available AND you will have access to the Entire Event!! Click link below to purchase your ticket!


Angela is a psychic medium and she lives in Connecticut with her husband and children!

Angela has been a medium her whole life. She overlooked her abilities for all of her childhood. She knew she was different than others although she wasn't aware as to why. She was the weird kid in school, who loved art and cooking and pretty much anything that allowed her to be creative. She also found comfort being outside in the garden or hiking in the woods.

It wasn't until she was an adult when she started paying attention to what was going on within her. How did she know things before they would happen? Why did she know that a friend was upset? She experienced DeJa’Vu quite frequently. It was then that she made a decision to find out. She read everything she could, had her own psychic readings done, and came to the conclusion that she was an empath. Little did she know, she was so much more. She decided to take her knowledge further and hone her skills by taking classes and receiving certifications in numerous modalities.

Her mission is to help others live their best life by providing peace and comfort to those who have lost loved ones through her personal mediumship readings or offer guidance to those who seek it through Oracle Card readings.