Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/Success & Mindset Coach and Master Pivoter, Sarah Kalmeta!!

June 14, 2022 Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 4 Episode 11

Woop Wooooooooooop!!!!!! It is the Final episode of Empowered Conversations before I go on hiatus for a nice needed Sum, Sum, Summa Time BREAK and I couldn't have ended this season any better than with my this weeks Most Fabulous guest, Sarah Kalmeta!!!!

Sarah is a Success & Mindset coach, seller of Higher Consciousness and Master Pivoter through change! Sarah is running her global coaching business while working, travelling and embracing life as a digital nomad! She helps the insatiably curious to become their own success story without saying Y.E.S. to everything, using Personal Passion Clarity techniques, backed by neuroscience. 

Her passion and purpose are to be a mirror for others, to see their own brilliance (and their own sh*t), so that they become empowered to take aligned action and BE their own damn leader. Her aim is to bridge the gap between business day-to-day-life and conscious living. Her compassion and experience allow her to hold space for others to feel safe, to be seen and heard. It's time to allow yourself to create the life you dream of and let that inner rebel out of the box - it’s time to play! And we DON’T color inside the lines here! 

Running training sessions for organizations like Goldman Sachs and Tatler, Sarah the Pivoter has helped thousands of individuals master their minds and re-tune them for success! Her work helps people feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and stressed out, to pivot, reimagine their success and enjoy a life they love. 

She herself, has gone from writing over a 1000 tasks in her weekly to-do lists and NEVER being able to finish them, to leading a Productive, Successful and Well-Integrated life! Through her own personal journey, she has crafted a unique method for her clients which fights those main barriers to sustainable success and drains your energy every day. 

When you want to achieve something, success begins with taking action, and that is what Sarah inspires (within you) to do! 

Follow Sarah’s interviews, Sassy speculations and mini-interview series on, The PivotCast, available to watch in her free community group on FB, Linked In, or YouTube.

So join us this upcoming Wednesday LIVE at 1:00 pm EST! This will be one BOMB Diggity episode you won't wanna miss!!!!
