Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/President of Daughters of Sheba Foundation, Claudette Campbell!!

Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 5 Episode 3

I am THROUGH THE ROOF ExCiTed to be speaking with my, this weeks guest on Empowered Conversations, Claudette Esterine Campbell!!

Claudette is the president of The Daughters of Sheba Foundation. The mission of the, “Daughters of Sheba Foundation” is to significantly reduce poverty among women and children through targeted economic, educational and skills training interventions. 

Her life mission and purpose has been making her mess a message, as she has experienced a lot of “mess”! She has persevered through childhood sexual assault, parental abuse and is a rape and domestic abuse survivor.

Claudette describes herself as, “A woman with an interesting past, imagining her future daily with You!”

Claudette is a living, breathing human being who daily experiences life as a mother and grandmother of two Beautiful granddaughters! She holds a master’s degree in international relations and a second pending in Theological studies. She has over 20 years’ experience as a Communications and Marketing professional lecture and is  also a motivational speaker and trained spiritual counsellor with both hospital and prison tenure. Claudette has worked in both the government of Jamaica as a communications specialist and in the federal government of Canada corrections.

Check out the Daughter of Sheba Foundation in the link below!
