Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/Creator Of The Sovereign Living Summit, Silvia Rios!!

Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 5 Episode 4

Woop Wooooooooooop!!!! So ExCiTed to be speaking with my this weeks guest on Empowered Conversations, Silvia Rios!!

Silvia Rios is a transformational life strategist dedicated to helping women LOVE who they see in the mirror! She believes beauty is a state of being and assists her clients to navigate their way to discovering and “living” it. 

Silvia's professional career started as a scrub nurse in the OR and holistic physical therapy. For the past nine years she has been facilitating people thru the many different modalities and tools she uses in her life coaching practice. She is also an international bestselling author and the creator of the Sovereign Living Summit!!
