Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversation w/Vic(tor) from homelessness, Jonathan Powell!!!

Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 6 Episode 5

I am Thru the Roof EXCITED to be speaking with my this weeks guest on Empowered Conversations, Jonathan Powell!!!

Jonathan is from Indianapolis, IN. He currently does resale jobs for his landlord and sidewalk chalk advertisements. 

Battling homelessness for 10 years, Jonathan was often disregarded and treated as if getting himself out of homelessness was as simple as the snap of a finger! He was often approached by “unaware” people who would say to him, “Why don’t you just get a job?!” 

On Wednesday, Jonathan will share the fact that getting oneself out of homelessness is not such a simple task; it is a complex issue that requires education and better solutions.

Jonathan is fed up with most of the current outreach programs he has experienced in IN and wants to start his own outreach team to educate people how to survive and live on the streets, as well as educate, “regular” people about the challenges homeless people face day to day. Jonathan wants to break the stereo type that all homeless people are on drugs or are too lazy to work! Jonathan says, “that’s ridiculous!!” 

“If I don’t teach people about the problems, then we cannot create solutions.”

I myself have experience with helping the homeless; I am part of the organization, Atheist Helping the Homeless. We gather the 1st Saturday or Sunday of every month to distribute, toiletries, clothing and other items that most take for granted. We are NEVER there to proselytize, only help! I will share my own personal experience engaging and talking with many of them. Jonathan is 100% RIGHT, it is not laziness or a drug problem that has placed so many of them in the situation of being without a home to live in or possessing the basic human necessities needed in order to have comfort! In my experience it is the exact opposite, they are so gracious and giving and never greedy or lazy and ALSO go out of their way to look out for one other! 

So join us tomorrow LIVE at 1:00 pm EST, this will surely be another EPIC Empowered Conversation, you won't wanna miss!!!!!

If you would like to come and volunteer with our group, click below here. We welcome EVERYONE!! Regardless of what you “believe”! 



I will NOT be going "live" on IG this week, so join us live via my personal FB or my YouTube channel! Link in Bio or click below.
