Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/World Traveler, Chef & Diverse Life Experience Explorer, Jacqueline Twa

Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 3 Episode 1

I am So Absolutely Thrilled to be speaking with my next guest on Empowered Conversations, Jacqueline Twa, who is Living her BEST Life with her BEST Friend!!

The mind stretched by a new idea, will never regain its original shape.

So I’m comfortable with any conversation but today I was nervous to be talking about authenticity and I’m like hey, I’ll just come on and be myself.

It’s not about everything being perfect, it’s about everything being “real” and how more real than for “life” to be happening in the background of an Empowered Conversation!?

The pandemic has been a global experience and that is what is so profound that has given us all this truly “linked” feeling.

Regardless of how you choose to handle or look at the pandemic, it has been a collective human experience!

And it’s not just a human experience, look at all the pictures of the animals that surged into the streets of the towns and the cities because there were no people. So much changed in a positive direction, IF you choose to see it that way!

As much as I wanted to get back to a “normal” life, there is so much about “Covid” that I don’t want to give up!

One empowered conversation created 1, million Empowered Conversations because I started talking to people! 

Prior to Covid, I was immersed into everything that I was doing in my immediate life but then I realized that my experience is actually a collective experience.

It takes age, experience and wisdom to realize you have to cut off the conversations that don’t empower you and enrich your life.

 That deeper sense of “self knowing” comes from diverse experiences, traveling, engaging with people unlike yourself, with different ideas, different cultures, different beliefs systems… based upon their unique lives.

 A Gratitude Attitude is what it’s all about!

For the last four years there has been a lot of negativity around the concept of immigration.

 When we first arrived to Columbia, we were on this tour and as a privileged North American, with a big corporate job with a big corporate salary that enabled me to be living life as I am now. While on this tour, we would see people, not begging for money, but selling things like candy, and other things they bought for cheap, so they can sell to survive and feed their families. 

This one woman on the trip said out loud “well they can’t ALL be from Venezuela”, when the tour guide says “yes our Venezuelan brothers need our help!” That statement right there made by our tour guide told me that this was a place I wanted to stay!

Being on the journey to self-awareness is scary… because once you discover to the depths of who you are, you can no longer operate in that same place of “being” that you previously existed in and now you have awoken to the personal responsibility of taking full charge of your life and creating from that newly recognized authentic place!

Sadly this is why so many people settle for staying in that state of mediocrity, settling for that state of “not” doing more. 

There is a difference between going on a vacation and traveling. Nothing wrong with staying in the five star hotels once in a while but if you really wanna enrich your life and learn what else is out there, you need to travel and go into the places that most don’t typically go, because that is where you encounter the beauty of the people and their culture!

Gold  Nugget,  after Gold Nugget during this Empowered Conversation!!