Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations w/Podcast Host & Breakthrough Coach, Specializing in LGBTQ - James Proetz

November 19, 2021 Stephanie McPherson aka: SteFunny Season 3 Episode 5

I am beyond Glee Ridden to be speaking with my next guest on Empowered Conversations, Dr. James Proetz!!

James is a breakthrough transformational coach.  
His specialty is working with LGBTQ professionals, who are unhappy with where they are in their careers, fearful of what the future holds, and stuck in relationships that are not fulfilling.
Using a three-step process of Awareness, Acceptance and Action, Dr. James moves people to feel Happier, Purpose-Filled AND Empowered!

During this episode you will learn how you can get his FREE pdf: 
"Three questions to ask yourself to see if Breakthrough Coaching is for You!"

So join James and I for this Empowered Conversation; this is certainly an episode you won't wanna miss!!!