Everyone Loved It But Me

Book Bits: Blind Readers, Banning Books and Erotica Writing

February 23, 2022 Lisa Hedger

In this Book Bits show, Lisa talks with two writers about a wide range of topics including books being banned, services for individuals who are blind, and the process of editing erotica books. It’s an educational and entertaining show. 

 First, Lisa and guest librarian and writer Joshua Berkov discuss library services for individuals who are blind or have a learning disability. You can learn about some of these services through The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled

They also discuss books being banned in 2022.

Berkov wrote The Enlightenment of Angeline and The Enlightenment of Esther. Follow him on FacebookTwitter, or Goodreads

Next,  Lisa and her guest Rachel Kramer Bussel discussed her writing career. She writes a wide range of topics about libraries and the publishing industry. She wrote this piece about book titles with swear words. 

She also wrote this piece in the Guardian about book titles with hash tags. She is the editor of more than 70 anthologies including The Best Women's Erotica of the Year series. You can also find her on Twitter.

For more information, find Lisa on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and her website.

 *The book titles mentioned include affiliate links. You can support the podcast by purchasing a book with the links because the podcast receives a small commission.